Principal's Report
Excellent Results
In term 2 our students took part in the annual Attitudes to School Survey. All students in years 4 to 6 answered questions about their learning, their friends and their time at school. These surveys are anonymous so students are able to answer honestly and share their thoughts with us. The survey includes questions about their teachers, principal, their peers and what they do at school. This survey is important to us as we use the information to help us know more about what students learn, how they learn and what we can do to improve our teaching. We have all worked hard to implement new ideas that have had an impact on our students in a positive way and this has shown in this years outstanding results. This is very rewarding as it means that the new things we are putting in place to support our students are making a difference whether that be socially, emotionally or academically.
We still have goals to keep on improving what we do and this survey is a great resource for us to be able to talk to our students and gain their input into what they think will help us in the future. We thank our community for their continuing support and congratulate our teachers on continuing to develop and learn, enabling them to do the best they can do for our students.
Professional Learning Community
This year our staff are participating in a program that will assist us to develop our skills to improve our teaching and learning. Professional Learning Communities meet to look at what their students know about an area, how they are progressing and what the teacher can do to help them improve. This learning is great for our teachers as it supports them to develop an understanding of how their students learn and what they can do in the classroom to make sure that all students can achieve growth in their learning. It will make our planning more effective to meet the different needs of our students.
Curriculum Day
We have a curriculum day on Friday 28th July.
No students at school on this day.
3 Way Conferences
Bookings available now. If you need an alternative date or time please speak to your classroom teacher. Please note this is a normal school day. We will run a specialist program from 2pm to all ow teachers to start at this time.
3 Way Conferences are where we encourage your child to share their learning. The students will share with you what they are proud of, what they have achieved and what their next goals are. This is the opportunity to celebrate your child's learning with their teacher. It is also an opportunity to discuss any questions arising from reports.
It is important that we are all aware that learning is a journey for our students it doesn't matter their age or year level they all start at their own place and head in the direction that they are guided. We are looking at the growth of our students and how far they have come from where they started. Looking at our reports our students have come a long way. We want them to be able to share that journey with you.
Have a great week everyone.