
The Inaugural BSC Year 7 Innovation Expo was a spectacular success!

Over 160 Year 7 students participated in the inaugural Year 7 Innovation Expo event which was held after school hours on Thursday 11 May. It is estimated that close to 400 people visited the Expo - staff, friends and extended family -  and all enjoyed the many and varied displays of student work.


The Innovation Expo Project was a joint venture between the English, Maths and Science Learning Areas.  An ambitious collaboration such as this allows students to easily make links between the Learning Areas and integrate their studies and demonstrates  on a practical level why students need to pursue good outcomes across all areas of their studies.  

Students used the Engineering Cycle to identify and solve their own choice of problem  (in Science class) before costing their solution (in Maths class) and finally developing a pitch to sell their idea to the public (in English class). The project required the practical application of skills in multiple disciplines - Maths, English and Science - in order to complete the challenge.


By holding the Innovation Expo event,   students were able to present their inventions and ideas to the public:  displaying their research, explaining their ideas, answering questions and challenges about their product.  This was a platform for them to extend their artistic and communication skills and the cohort really stepped up to the challenge.


Many exciting ideas were generated and on display at the Expo and it was great to see so many students enthusiastically engaged in sharing their learning with their community.  We take this opportunity to thank all those who attended and demonstrated such strong support for our BSC students.

Ryan Wu
Ryan Wu

Ryan Wu 

I learned how to use Excel and get more advanced with the program. I also learned how to calculate things using Excel - not a calculator.

Tom Jenkins
Alessandro Coco
Tom Jenkins
Alessandro Coco

Alessandro Coco

Tom Jenkins.

Product: Automatic Marshallow Roaster


Our group felt we were successful in telling people about our product. We felt good about ourselves being able to answer any questions that visitors to the Expo had for us. Many people thought our product was an effective idea - something we could actually make and sell. Whilst we got a lot out of the project, we realised that we could have gone further with building our prototype. We could see on the night how much effort other groups had put in and thought we could have done some more in making our prototype work more effectively for people visiting our stall.


Adeyam Gugsa
Adeyam Gugsa

Adeyam  Gugsa

To do the costing on my project I learned how to use a spreadsheet and also how to calculate cost and revenue.




Amelia Mulhern
Amelia Mulhern

Amelia Mulhern  

For the Maths part of  this project I had to  learn how to create and use a ‘break-even’ chart - and learn what it means to ‘break-even’!




Jana Taleb
Emily Crosthwaite
Kalkidan Asres
Jana Taleb
Emily Crosthwaite
Kalkidan Asres

Jana Taleb

Kalkidan AsreS

Emily Croswaithe

Product: Hidden Cookie Dispenser

We were surprised at how many people came along to the Expo. There was a real buzz in the air and it made us feel like people were interested to see our innovations. The level of interest made us lift our game and put some extra humour into our pitch when we were selling our product. Working as a group was hard but we managed to pull everything together in the end. When we saw what everyone had achieved across the year level, it was so good and made us so happy and surprised to see what we could achieve.


Mahli Scharman
Mahli Scharman

Mahli Scharmann  

To complete the project,  I learned how to cost my product and calculate revenue from sales.