

In the Kindergarten the children are encouraged to see themselves as scientists. They model scientific thinking and use scientific terminology. They take observations, make predictions and then test, record and analyse their results. This week the Kindergarten looked at an experiment involving change. The children had to predict what new colour they would make when certain colours were combined. They recorded their predictions and then observed the changes over a period of time. Were they correct? Did it matter? What did it mean? Later in the playground Phoenix happily advised her teachers “ I am off now to make discoveries.”




The 3rd Unit of Inquiry in the 5s was all about systems, thinking and applying this to understanding humans. They focused on the skeletal system and on the nervous system and drew links between these systems and the postal system (they were letter writing at the time!).




The 10s and 11s had the opportunity to teach their buddies from the 5s all about the skeletal system as they were studying this at the time for PE. They played a game of ‘Skeleton Says’ to help their buddies identify and remember the names of various bones. The 5s also linked the nervous system to coding in Scratch Jr  to control an Avatar. Rather like the brain is the control center for our nervous system.


In the 6s & 7s, the children are focusing on mining and in particular tin mining for this term's unit. Paul and Talitha are introducing the children to solids, liquids and gases. I will be visiting them in the next week or two and teaching the children all about the Periodic Table. I am very excited to be entering their classroom as an expert. I even get to wear my white lab coat!


The 8s & 9s have learned about ecosystems through research. They investigated the various components of an ecosystem, major ecosystems of the world and biodiversity. The children used the knowledge they acquired to help them design and create a smaller ecosystem - a frog bog. The children also constructed bird boxes and planted Indigenous flora to support the ecosystem in The Pines.



The 10s and 11s have been exploring science through their inquiry unit, which relates to the solar system and how it forms part of a larger Universe. The children have investigated the types of lunar landscapes that make up the surface of the moon, why we only see one side of the moon and why the phrase ‘the dark side of the moon’ is actually misleading.


The children have participated in various role-plays and demonstrations to help them consolidate their learning. They have also had the opportunity to research the phases of the moon by making nightly observations and recording these. The children have investigated the workings of solar and lunar eclipses and are currently working on creating a creature that would be able to withstand the elements of a planet other than Earth.


It has been great to see the children so focused and engaged with this unit. What an inquisitive bunch they are!



                                       Rosie Grimm & Victor Toufas                                          10s & 11s Classroom Teachers