Infants and Primary

Primary Particulars


Public Speaking

On Friday November 2, Elle McIntosh competed in the Talkfest Rostrum/CWA Public Speaking Competition at Berinba Primary School in Yass. Elle wrote and performed her speech for the audience and adjudicators. She came first in her age group and was awarded with a Medallion for her achievement. We would like to congratulate Elle on her speech.



Primary School Captain Elections

The school takes this opportunity to wish candidates from Year 5, running for school captain, the very best and trust that whatever the outcome is, it will be a valuable learning experience.

Students will be interviewed next Wednesday 21 November for their suitability and will present their speeches at the assembly on Friday 30 November. The assembly commences at 11.45am, and voting will take place after the assembly.

An announcement of 2019 captains and vice-captains will be made at 2.50pm under the Infants COLA.

All parents and community members are invited to attend.

Preservice Teacher

On Friday Year 2/3 will farewell Miss Brooke Morgan who has been working with them for the last 3 weeks. We have enjoyed Miss Morgan’s lessons and we all wish her well for the future. Thank you Miss Morgan.

Important Dates

Primary Captain Speeches - Friday 30 November 11:45am

Year 6 Graduation assembly – Monday 17 December 2:00pm

Year 6 Graduation Dinner – Monday 17 December 5.30pm photos 6:00pm dinner

Year 6 Graduation social – Monday 17 December 7pm – 8.30pm


Ms Downey

Relieving Assistant Principal (Primary)

Jump Rope for Heart

Jump Rope for Heart

The K-6 students participated in Jump Rope for Heart this week and really showed off their fabulous skipping and jumping skills. They had loads of fun and each group worked really well together, encouraging and helping each other.  We had an awesome demonstration from Carrie and Emma and we also had students who couldn’t jump their rope at the beginning of our jump off,  but could by the end! Thanks must go to our capable sports captains, school and vice captains; Ned, Alex, Skye, Josh and Julia for their help to manage the groups. So far our fundraising tally is $1765! Our top 5 fundraisers were; Fynn Overhall, Hugo Mayne, Harrison Croker, Hayden Croker and Parker Howell. Thank you to all the students who enthusiastically participated today and to those who managed to raise funds for the Heart Foundation.

Mrs Denise Corkhill -  Event Coordinator

Week 4 and 5 Assembly Awards

Wk 4 Students of the Week
Wk 4 Reading Awards
Wk 4 Star Cards
Wk 5 Students of the Week
Wk 5 Reading Awards
Wk 5 Star Cards
Wk 5 PBL Awards
Wk 4 Students of the Week
Wk 4 Reading Awards
Wk 4 Star Cards
Wk 5 Students of the Week
Wk 5 Reading Awards
Wk 5 Star Cards
Wk 5 PBL Awards

Reading Awards

  • 50 nights:           Max Galvin
  • 75 nights:           Mason Owen
  • 100 nights:         Belle Riles
  • 175 nights:         Jordan Grimson
  • 200 nights:         Jordan Grimson

First Star Card Award: Mia Gibbons,

Third Star Card Award: Harrison Croker, Juliett Miller, Ricky Miller, Noah Bush

Fifth Star Card Awards: Hunter Stephen, Brock Riles, Joshua Gorham, Beau Howell, Fynn Overhall, Blake Cross, 

Star Students Week 4

  • Amali Bush (Kinder) for putting her best effort into everything she does.
  • Blayde Trotter (Year 1) for always being a responsible learner, always wearing his school uniform and always completing all homework.
  • Nathan Trevillian (Year 2) for working hard to improve his reading and writing skills.

Star Students Week 5

  • Beau Howell (2/3) for working hard and helping other students.
  • Dylan Roberts (Yr 1) for working on his time management to complete tasks.
  • Skyla Penrose (Kinder) for being focused in all areas.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Awards Week 4

Infants: Charlie Carney, Amali Bush

Primary: Ned Flick, Belle Riles

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Awards Week 5

Infants:  Mason Howell, Blayde Trotter

Primary:  Deklan Friend, Tyler Sullivan

Book Fair Wrap up

Thank you to all community members, students and staff for your fabulous support of our 2019 Book Fair. We reached our goal and have been able to acquire many interesting, informative new books to loan to our students throughout 2019.

Mrs Debra Eustace - Teacher Librarian