Diary Dates


19th - School Photo Day

23rd -  Ride 2 School Day

Casual Clothes Day: Easter Egg Donation

26th  - Year 3/4 Gymnastics Program at FCGC

Easter Egg Wrapping Morning 9:15am (in hall)

Year 6 Confirmation Family Night: 7:00pm

28th - Years 1-6 Learning Conferences 2-8:pm:  All students (Prep - 6) finish at 1:00pm

29th  - Holy Week Celebrations 11:30am

End of Term 1: Students finish at 1:00pm


16th - Term 2 Commences

18th - Open Morning 9:00-11:00am

Bishop Mark Edwards to visit Year 6 Confirmation candidates @ 2:00pm

20th - Open Morning 9:00-11:00am

23rd - School Athletic's Carnival at Aberfeldie Park 

24th - PFA Annual General Meeting

25th - ANZAC Day

26th/27th - Year 5/6 City Camp  

29th - Confirmation: Year 6 Candidates 11:00am

30th - School Athletic's Carnival Back Up Day


2nd - Parent Support Group Meetings 8:30am-4:30pm

4th - Year 5 Kindergarten Visits 9:15am

Year 5/6 Inter-school Sports (Winter) Vs St Bernadette's PS

7th - Parent Support Group Meetings 8:30am-4:30pm

8th -  First Communion Family Workshop 7:00pm

9th - Years Prep-2 Farm Excursion

11th - Mothers' Day Stall 9:00-11:00am

Year 5 Kindergarten Visits 9:15am

15th - NAPLAN Year 3 and 5

16th - NAPLAN Year 3 and 5

17th - NAPLAN Year 3 and 5

18th - Year 5 Kindergarten Visits 9:15am

Year 5/6 Inter-school Sports (Winter) Vs Footscray North PS

25th - Year 5/6 Inter-school Sports (Winter) Vs St John's PS

View our full Calendar Here