Student Wellbeing News

Update from the Year 5/6 Community
Over the past two weeks we have been learning about emotional intensity and how we describe these as highs and lows.
The students participated in an activity where they were given a certain emotion to demonstrate. They then had to increase the intensity of that emotion.
They listened to a short story titled “A day in the life of Casey”. As they listened to the story, students used their emotion intensity word list to identify possible emotions that Casey may have been feeling through the day. They plotted these emotions on a rollercoaster, which formed a great discussion at the end of the session.
In this week’s session, the students will use new words from their vocabulary of emotions to create their own roller coaster, showing how their feelings change throughout the day depending on different factors and events.
Active April
If you haven’t already, jump onto the Active April website at and register your family. The top 15 schools with the most registrations by this Friday will win a school visit from a high profile athlete from the Victorian Institute of Sport! It’s free to register and all it takes is 30 minutes of exercise a day throughout the month of April. So what are you waiting for?
Melanie Larkin
(Student Wellbeing Leader)