From the Principal's Desk

Welcome to our first iNewsletter! We hope you enjoy interacting with all the features now available through this platform.
Our iNewsletter will automatically change its layout to support desktop, mobile device and tablet viewing… anywhere, anytime. You will be able to interact with our newsletter in so many ways:
- Click/Tap links to direct you to particular sites we use such as CareMonkey, School Interviews Online and so on.
- View videos straight from the newsletter with a simple click/tap.
- Scroll through photo galleries or tap and swipe manually as you do with other social media sites.
Family members will be able to easily subscribe to our newsletters so that they can say in touch with what’s happening in our school.
And don't worry if English is not your first language. Simply click on the Google Translate link at the bottom of any page and the entire Newsletter will convert instantly into your chosen language.
We will keep on enhancing our iNewsletters as we become more familiar with the features and possibilities. In the meantime we would love to hear what you think by clicking here
School Photos: Monday 19th March
In the next few days our School Photo Order from will be sent home with families.
SCHOOLPIX will be here on Monday 19th March
Dress: Full Summer School Uniform
Hair: Neat and swept off face. Long hair tied back. Hair accessories to be discrete and of school colours
Online Orders: To pre-order online, take your personal Order and ID Numbers found on your order form and go to Orders can be placed online up to 2 working days after photography. You do not need to return the order form if you order online.
Remember: All orders placed online before midnight on photography day will receive a free 20cm x 25cm black and white portrait print.
Manual Orders: Complete your order form and return with payment to school on photography day, 19th March.
Sibling Orders: For a special photo of you children together order online by 8:00am on photography day.
Alternatively collect a Sibling Order Form from the office or download it from the SchoolPix website and return it on photography day. Only siblings that place an order will be photographed.
PO Box 5222, Hallam VIC 3803
Ph: 1300 766 055
Years 1-6 Learning Conferences
A reminder that our Learning Conferences for Years 1-6 have been scheduled for Wednesday 28th March: 2:00pm - 8:00pm
Families are to use School Interviews Online to manage bookings. Please go to and enter the event code of: xr74m to book interviews for the times that suit YOUR FAMILY.
Big Day Out
To celebrate Catholic Education Week our Big Day Out: Combined Schools Celebration has been scheduled for Wednesday 14th March.
We along with children from St Augustine's and Annunciation Primary Schools will celebrate Mass at St Augustine’s Church at 10:30am. Following Mass, the children will have an early lunch (BYO) and then we will walk across to the Sun Theatre for a Movie afternoon. Our Year Prep -2 children will watch Paddington (G) and our Year 3-6 children will get to see Jumanji.
If you have any concerns regarding your child watching Jumanji, which has a PG rating, please advise your child’s teacher so that alternative arrangements can be made.
The children will be supplied with a Mini Popcorn Combo (popcorn and drink) to enjoy during their movie. If your child is unable to partake in these, please provide an alternative 'treat'.
Children are to wear their full summer school uniform (including hat) and are to bring along their lunch in a disposable bag and their water bottle. Children will have an early morning tea break at school prior to leaving.
Children will depart by bus from Corpus Christi at approximately 10:00am and return by 3:00pm.
Fee and Levy Accounts
As we continue to enhance processes, Fee and Levy accounts will now be emailed direct to family payees. In the coming days you should receive an updated account so please keep an eye out for it.
A reminder that unless you have setup payments plans, the Pupil Levy of $440 should already be paid and that the Term 1 Family Fee of $425 is due by 29th March.
Head Lice
We have a reported case of head lice at Corpus Christi School. This is not a cause for serious concern, however, head lice are extremely contagious.
In order to determine if your child has been infected with head lice, we are asking all parents to inspect their child’s hair. We suggest that you look for the following symptoms or signs that would indicate the presence of head lice:
- General: child scratching his/her head excessively
- On pillows: fine black powder or pale coloured material.
- In the hair: signs of lice eggs (nits) – cream or coffee coloured specks close to hair roots.
- Lice: small white or “greyish” parasites the approximate size of a pinhead.
If you notice any of the above signs, or if you require further information, please contact your local pharmacy. There are several effective treatments readily available and easy to apply.
If your child is infected with head lice you MUST advise the school and you MUST treat your child before they return to school.
To minimise the impact of a head lice outbreak we ask all parents to regularly check their child’s hair for the presence of head lice.
Student Absences
Thank you so much to all those families now sending advanced notifications of student absences. This is making the management of the new legislation much more workable for our wonderful office staff.
In case you are still not aware, schools are now required to advise parents/guardians of unexplained absences, on the same day, as soon as practicable and must record, in writing, the reason given for each absence. If a parent does not contact the school to provide an explanation on the day of the student absence we must attempt to contact the parent who is responsible for ensuring the child's attendance on that particular day as soon as practicable. This includes contacting emergency contacts. We then need to log all contact attempts.
So… what can you all do to assist?
Legislation requires parents to ensure their child attends school every day and to provide an explanation for their child's absence from school. The emphasis now is that parents should inform the school in advance of upcoming absences and as soon as possible for unexpected events.
The easiest way to do this is through our school App. With a tap of your fingers you can easily send absentee notification through your smart phone, tablet, laptop or PC. Many families are already using this tool so thank you. To download our app, click:
Alternatively, you can send a note to the school, contact the school office via phone or you can speak to your child's teacher. All verbal notifications need to be recorded in writing so templates are now available in your child’s classroom and at the office.
Written explanation MUST be provided to the school for all absences within 10 school days.
We ask all families to support us as together we comply with new legislation.
The new attendance guidelines can be accessed via:
Book Club
This week children will receive the first edition of Book Club for 2018. Orders are due at the school office by next Thursday 14th March.
Have a wonderful week
God Bless
Anthony Hyde