Senior Executive

Principal's Message

Welcome to the new school year! I am sure I am not alone in thinking that it was a very unusual summer period. I am aware that a number of students, staff and their families were affected by the bush fires over the summer. If the school can be of any assistance please contact us.


The school year itself has gotten off to a terrific start. Our Year 7 students have settled in well and seem very confident about coming to high school. I am sure the transition program that the school ran with many of our primary schools last year has had a positive effect.


One of the changes we have made this year concerns our School Values. We have always had RESPONSIBILITY and RESPECT as part of who we are, but this year we have also included RESILIENCE, which is such a very important value to have. During the year, our students will be explicitly taught what RESILIENCE is, what it looks like and how to practice it.


It is very important that parents, caregivers and the community have a say in the direction that Lake Illawarra High is heading. One of the best ways to do this is by joining the P&C. This wonderful group of people meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 6.30pm in the school library. We don’t do any fundraising, but it is an opportunity for you to have a say on school direction. Our next meeting is the AGM on Wednesday 4 March 2020.


I am sure we are going to have a great year. If you have any concerns, ideas, questions or feedback of any kind please contact the school to arrange a time to have a chat.


Warm regards


Mr Anthony Hicks


Deputies' Desk 



Both Mr Wilson and myself would like to congratulate the majority of the student body for an excellent start to 2020. It has been wonderful to see students eager and engaged in their learning, facing challenges with a positive attitude and learning through a variety of modes.


In 2020, we will continue to uphold the school values of Respect, Responsibility and we have added the additional value of Resilience. We will continue to reinforce PBL in the classrooms and on the playground to ensure that Lake Illawarra High is a supportive and safe learning environment.  Over the coming weeks, we will be targeting uniform, phone use and partial truancy. Please support our endeavours by ensuring that your student is in full uniform and knows the importance of being in all classes each day on time. If you require financial assistance for any item of uniform, please contact the school so that we can assist you in this matter.


We will be holding our annual expo on Wednesday the 19th of February. We welcome our community to come in and have a look at some of the wonderful and exciting learning opportunities that we have at Lake Illawarra High. The community will also get the chance to hear about our extra-curricular programs and partners, these add to the holistic nature of the education our students receive. Please come along and have a look at what we have to offer.


We would like to remind all of our community that Lake Illawarra High School does not tolerate any form of bullying. It is of great importance that bullying of any kind is reported to any member of staff member so that the appropriate action can be taken. It is the responsibility of the entire Lake Illawarra High School Community to ensure that all of our students are able to learn in an environment free from disruption, intimidation, harassment, victimisation and discrimination. If your student is having any issues please contact the relevant Year Advisor and/or Deputy so that we can work with you to resolve the situation.


2020 is shaping up to be a busy year and many of our staff have already organised fantastic learning opportunities for our students. Please follow these on our Facebook page and by participating in events organised for Parents and Carers. We would like as much feedback as possible in regards to all aspects of school life and as we head into a new planning cycle we will be calling on you to complete surveys and participate in focus groups. We look forward to your participation in making Lake Illawarra High School a positive learning environment for all



Mr T. Wilson                                                                       Mr C. Meizer


Deputy Principal                                                            Deputy Principal                  Years 8, 10 and 12                                                             Years 7, 9 and 11