SpringFest 2018

The Inaugural Pakenham Springs SpringFest is near!

Pakenham Springs has a very exciting, new event coming up on Friday November 30th, and we would love to see everyone there to celebrate some truly amazing talent.


The event has been named SpringFest (similar to TropFest). It will predominantly involve a Media Arts Film Festival, including Growler Awards Ceremony, as well as a Visual Arts "Graffiti Street Art Alley" experience. Other Specialist subject areas will also be showcased on the evening, and we have a bunch of food trucks coming as well as popcorn/fairy floss machines hired for a pop-up candy bar.


Families and staff will be encouraged to dress up for the event in their best "Oscars-style" outfit or as their favourite movie star/character. We hope to have a "Paparazzi Corner" where people can have their photo taken, and perhaps even a red carpet. 

Students have been working extremely hard on the creation of their films all year as part of our new Media Arts program and we are so excited to showcase and celebrate their films by screening them around the school, along with costume and prop displays. Selected student films will feature in the gym on a large screen and our Media Arts teachers, Teague Rook and Esther Priestley, will be presenting specially made "Growler" trophies to winners, as voted by our students.

Similarly, students have been designing graffiti art during the Visual Arts lessons with teacher, Nadean Griffin. Their art will be displayed in an alley style maze, to simulate a real street art experience, which we know will look spectacular once fully arranged.


We are hoping to make this a big, biannual event for our school and the community to enjoy.


The SpringFest will run from 4pm to 7pm, with the Growler Awards beginning at 5pm.


Come along and join in the celebrations.


Many thanks to our supporters...