Learning in J42

Junior School J42 Babak is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

J42 has had a very exciting week!  After waiting for 4 weeks, our pen pal letters from Los Angeles (the United States of America) finally arrived!  We were very eager to get our hands on these letters and find out who our pen pal would be.

Upon receiving the letters, our teacher showed us what our pen pals school looked like via Google Maps and we realised that our schools in Australia look very familiar to the schools in America.  We also realised that receiving letters via mail took MUCH longer than if it was via email which would have been instant.


Each one of us had a letter penned especially to us, with our pen pal introducing themselves and then asking us some questions in return. We then spent the next two days drafting, revising and editing our replies to our pen pals.  We brainstormed a variety of questions which we would like to know about them and also told them of some interesting facts, such as we have Christmas in Summer in Australia.

We all got to create and decorate our very own envelopes with a special sticker!  We were very excited to make friends with someone our own age from the other side of the world.