STAC Group News

Hello Parents and Caregivers,
Not long to go until the end of term 1, we hope all the children have now settled into their new classes especially our Foundation students. I’m sure all the children are looking forward to a break and no doubt lots of chocolate from the Easter Bunny.
We are still looking for some parent/caregivers to be part of the STAC group, if you are interested in being part of this team or would like more information, please email
After a curious year last year, the STAC Group is looking to be bigger and better in 2023 and expand parent involvement. For the STAC Group to do this we are looking for an additional 4-6 parents to be part of a team that are involved in the planning, organizing and communication of STAC Group fundraising and community events.
The team would:
- Meet to decide on STAC group fundraising and community event for the year. (Bring new ideas)
- Set dates for events that fit in with other school activities.
- Liaise with the school on STAC group matters.
- Set up planning groups /organize helpers for events.
- Provide STAC group communication to the school community via newsletters, posters, Seesaw App etc.
- Have flexibility in scheduling meetings - you don’t necessarily need to be hands on at events and don’t need to be available school hours only.
- Have fun and feel awesome for helping the school build a great community.
Without parent involvement in the planning and organizing of fundraising events we may not be able to continue holding our wonderful Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls, Easter Raffle and other fundraising and community events in the future.
“When people support each other, incredible things happen”. – author unknown
So get behind your STAC Group and together we can achieve incredible things as a school and as a community.
Easter Raffle
Raffle tickets have now been sent home, one per family. If you would like any extra books there are some available at the office. Funds raised will go to the purchase of new playground equipment.
We will be looking for some helpers to put together the raffle prizes on Tuesday the 4th of April at 9am in the parent lounge. If you can spare some time to assist, please email
Please check in via the office to gain access the Parent Lounge.
What’s On In 2023
March/ April 2023
Easter Raffle -
Friday 31st March – Free Dress when you bring an Easter chocolate or gift to school.
Tuesday 4th April – Easter Raffle Draw.
May 2023
Mother’s Day Stall
Tuesday 9th May – We will be looking for helpers to help set up the stall on Monday the 8th May and also on the day of the Stall Tuesday the 9th. More information to come.
August 2023
Father’s Day Stall
Wednesday 30th August
Footy Day
September (Date TBC)
We are looking to add to the above events as we increase our parent support, involvement, and collaborations of new ideas.
Parent Lounge Update
We are very excited to announce that our Parent Lounge is open again this year. The Parent Lounge is a place for parents to come along, grab a coffee and meet other parents and caregivers. Little ones are also welcome as we have set up a little play area with plenty of things to keep them busy.
Our information board which will display information on upcoming events, a photo board of your kids participating in school events as well as a community notice board section is coming along. More is being added this week so please come a long and have a look. If there is any information you would like to see on the board, please let us know.
The lost property box will also be located here, giving you easy access to locate any lost items.
The parent lounge will be opened by staff member on Monday’s and Wednesday’s from 3pm, so while you are waiting to pick up your kids come and check it out.
Please check in via the office to gain access the Parent Lounge.