Year 4 News

From Sarah, Year 4 teacher


We have been busy learning all about decimals!

Year 4 students have been playing against each other on Decimats to see who can get to 1 whole first. It has been fantastic to see them extend their place value knowledge. 

Next week will be the start of our multiplication unit. It would be great to have students practising their number facts using DoodleTables. 




Year 4, along with the Year 3 cohort have introduced a soccer contract to alleviate some of the FIFA World Cup emotions involved in the game. If you have a budding soccer star in your house it would be great for you to go over the rules with them. They have all signed the contract to ensure a fantastic time is had by all. 






Students have been focusing on visualising by identifying the word choices and vocabulary authors have used to create pictures in our minds while we are reading. 

Here are some examples: 

The giant took off his black cloak and hung it against the wall. Sophie saw that under the cloak he was wearing a sort of collarless shirt and a dirty old leather waistcoat that didn’t seem to have any buttons. His trousers were faded green and were far too short in the legs. On his bare feet, he was wearing a pair of ridiculous sandals that for some reason had holes cut along each side, with a large hole at the end where his toes stuck out.
Mists curled and smoked from dark and noisome pools. The reek of them hung stifling in the still air. Far away, now almost due south, the mountain-walls of Mordor loomed, like a black bar of rugged clouds floating above a dangerous fog-bound sea.