Year 3 News

Tahlia, Tess & Ma

From Amanda, Year 3 teacher

Writing Workshop 

We began the first week of learning with recounting some of the amazing things that students experienced in their holidays. As inspiration for writing, these moments were turned into writing pieces during the Writer’s Workshop. Some students decided to write news reports; others diary entries; some even chose to pen letters to communicate to their audience their different purposes.


Tahlia wrote a diary entry highlighting her amazing fishing experience. Tess has written a news report about her trip to Brisbane where she participated in a laser race; and Mahdi wrote a recount about the day he took a flight to Cairns. 

Word Choice

Students will be encouraged to incorporate their new powerful and apt verbs and vocabulary they learn in their future writing pieces. 

You might like to ask your child about what verbs they have chosen to explore so far!