International Students

Victorian Young Leaders
China Program Opening & VIP Visitation
On the 29 May 2023, Doncaster Secondary College hosted two very important guests:
- Brett Stevens, Victorian Commissioner to Greater China, and
- Linda Vaughan, Executive Director of Victorian International Education Division.
The purpose of this visit is for them to:
- Attend the Victorian Young Leaders to China Program Opening at our school and to deliver the welcome message.
- Learn about our International Student Program and other China related engagement activities offered at our school.
- Interact with Victorian Young Leaders to China participants and some International Students.
The visit went very well! Brett and Linda were very happy with the program and enjoyed interacting with the students and teachers.
It’s an absolutely great opportunity to showcase our school’s global learning and engagement profile, as well as our award-winning international student program.
Thank you to the following DSC attendees:
- Mr. Glenn Morris- Principal, Doncaster Secondary College
- Mr. Kai Hong (Tony) Leung - Middle School Excellence in Teaching & Learning Leader, Doncaster Secondary College
- Ms. Sally HUANG-Director of International Student Program, Doncaster Secondary College
- Ms. Lisa FAIRWEATHER-Communication and Marketing Officer, Doncaster Secondary College
- Tien Hieu (Harry) Bui – 2022 VGLA International Student of the Year, 2022 VGLA YEAR 12 Global Citizenship Award, 2021 VGLA YEAR 11 Global Citizenship Award
- Berry EAIN (Y12 international Student)-DSC 2023 College Capitan, DET 2022 International Student Voice Forum representative, 2021 International Student Public Speaking Award,
- Lisa CHEA (Y10 international Student)- DET 2022 Global Learning and Engagement Symposium student panellist, 2022 Victoria Young Leaders: Global Youth Forum participant, DET 2023 International Student Voice Forum representative,
- Oliver WANG (Y12 international Student)- DET 2023 China Agent Open Day Guest Speaker, DSC music band drummer, homestay living student who started at DSC from 2019.
- Christy KWAN (Y11 local student)- VCE Chinese Second Language learner with Hongkong background, DET 2023 International Student Voice Forum representative, International Student Buddy Program Participant, passionate art student
Victorian Global Learning Awards 2023 -
Photography day
Tuesday, 2nd May 2023, the Department of Education sent a PHOTOGRAPHY team to DSC to do the photo shooting for Berry Eain, who is the finalist for The Victorian Global Learning Awards 2023.
The photo shoot went very well, and it finished earlier than scheduled. The weather held up for us and it did not rain at all.
Big shout out to Sue and her library team for their efforts to prepare the library area for the shoot session. Thanks also goes to Lisa Fairweather and Ning HONG for supporting the event.
All students have done amazing job by listening and following the instructions of the photographer. John, the photographer. John reckons our students are all natural, photogenic and a great bunch!
I also want to thank Belinda McGee for not only participating in the shoot session but also coaching international student Forum representatives on how to get sponsorship for prize money.
Victorian Government School Open Day to Chinese Education Agents
At the end of Term 1, our school was invited to attend virtual Victorian Government School Open Day to Chinese Education Agents. Our school has been selected to be part of it because DET believe that our experience and the unique program we offer will help them promote Victoria as a destination, to bring prospective international students back to our schools.
Victorian International Education Division China Office invited many top Chinese Education Agents to participate in this event. Doncaster Secondary College was the only government school to be featured. College principal Mr. Glenn MORRIS gave an online speech regarding our school in general. Sally HUANG, Director of International Student Program, spoke about the variety of support to students in Mandarin.
The highlight was our Y12 Chinese International Student Oliver WANG’s speech which included his journey and growth at Doncaster Secondary College since year 2019. Oliver talked about his positive homestay living experience, school orientation program and buddy program, participation in different school clubs and extra-curricular activities, support he received from subject teachers and International Student Program staff.
During 20 minutes Q & A session, our school also provided lots of information and answers to questions from the agents.
A transcript of Oliver's speech is provided below.
Speech at China Open Day
6th April 2023
Hello everyone, I am Oliver Wang, a year 12 Chinese International student. I started my journey here in 2020 when I was in Y9. Starting in a new school, in a new country was not easy, but I got lots of help. The first day I stepped into this school I was warmly welcomed by Ms. Huang during the Orientation Program. She paired me up with several buddies to help me to get familiar with the school. For the first half year, I attended a weekly International Student club where we discussed school rules, subject selections and textbooks, teacher’s expectations, school clubs, and basically everything that I needed to know about my school. Through this club, Ms. HUANG found out about my music talent, and she helped me to be part of the school band where I became a drummer and I love it! I made a lot of friends with local students through music.
I spent 6 months in the English language centre at Doncaster Secondary College where the teachers helped me settle into English speaking classes, listen to and speak English as much as possible. In the mainstream classes such as accounting and maths, I also get help from multicultural aids who can speak Chinese.
Wellbeing Program helped me to understand the role of the Wellbeing Team, how to seek help and what services they can provide. Ms. HUANG also has a one-to-one welfare Interview with me every semester to make sure that I am ok.
Our school celebrates Lunar New Year, The Mid-Autumn Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival with all international students which makes us feel like we are home. During pandemic when none of us could go back to our home country to see family, my school prepared a summer holiday care package to cheer us up and support us during that difficult time.
My school offers opportunities for us to participate in beyond the classroom with over 50 offerings including sport, music, arts, and special interests’ clubs. My favourite is Basketball Club where I play with friends every Friday after school. Ms. HUANG also arranged excursions such as Healesville Sanctuary and Tree Top Adventure for all international students to bond.
Last year, our International Student Learning Hub was launched, and I really love this hub. It offers a place for us to seek support, catch up with our friends, or make a connection with local buddies. I am now helping my housemate who just started his journey this year and I see him every day at the hub.
I feel very lucky that I chose Doncaster Secondary College as my study destination. Since Y9 I have been supported every step of the way. I am truly grateful for the study experience I had here.
- Oliver WANG
International Student Buddy Program
The International Student Forum Team will be holding a buddy program in Term 3, and we are calling for local students who are willing to be a buddy to the new international students. The buddy program requires local students to support new international students and help them adjust to DSC life smoothly.
There will be some lunchtime sessions held in the International Student Learning Hub. Ice-breaker activities and board games will also be provided for both local and new international students during these sessions.
Requirements of local students:
- Recommended students who have been in Australia for more than 3 years or longer.
- Kindness and generosity to others.
- Willingly teaching and guiding new students with patience.
- upholding DSC values and be good role models to the new international students
Benefits of being a buddy to international students:
- Access to International Student Learning Hub during recess and lunchtime.
- Access to microwaves, fridge, kettle and other facilities
- Participating in fun activities with new international students
- Making new friends from different countries
- Exploring different cultures such as food, snacks, languages, costumes, traditions and customs.
If you are interested in making new friends from different countries and are willing to help your buddies to intergrate to DSC community, Click the application link below, and fill in the details before 19th of June! Can’t wait to see you all!
The International Student Forum team
Sally Huang
Director of International Student Program
Doncaster Secondary College