Physical Education 

Jordan Beck

​Physical Education

On Friday the 28th of April Kingswood’s Cross Country Team competed at the Mordialloc District Cross Country Carnival at Karkarook Park. Kingswood had an excellent result with all our students running tremendously throughout the entire day! 


Congratulations to the 6 students who are moving onto Division which will be on Tuesday the 30th of May:

Chloe S Under 9/10 Girls

Xander Z Under 11 Boys

Jade T Under 12/13 Girls

Huw R Under 12/13 Boys

David H Under 12/13 Boys

Liam C Under 12/13 Boys

Prep students have been enjoying their first lesson of PMP (Perceptual Motor Program) which has students completing different activities that help to improve their hand/eye coordination, balance, and locomotion skills. We have also started kicking fundamentals with students. They are learning how to pass the ball with the inside of their foot to a partner. 


Year 1 & 3 students have also been enjoying soccer since the start of the term. Students have been doing very well with their dribbling and understanding how to pass to a team member from different distances as well as angles.


Years 4 to 6 have started their unit of Volleyball. Students have been working in groups developing their dig and set technique. The main goal for this term is for classes to develop their skills of the serve, dig, set, and spike to then be able to play a full Volleyball game at the end of the unit.