Secondary School News

Secondary School News



Term 1



Angela Watters

Secondary Assistant Principal


Public Speaking Opportunity

Recently, Year 10 student Owen Casey participated in the Ainger PECK Public Speaking Competition.  He did a wonderful job, speaking articulately and passionately, to a large audience on the issue of Climate Change.

Thank you for representing Collingwood College Owen - you were very impressive!

Entering competitions is a wonderful way for students to extend themselves and achieve personal and academic success in additional ways beyond the normal classroom. Students are encouraged to take up these opportunities - give it a go and try your best!


Lori Michael

English PLC Leader/Teaching and Learning Lead Teacher






Class 7C & 7D Children's Tales

Below are a few pictures showing class 7C and 7D reading their Children's Tales to the primary school students. The year 7 classes studied the elements of a good children's story last term, then wrote their own to include a good moral or lesson for a child. Everyone involved had a great time! 




Animation Project

During Term 2, years 5 to 8 students are working with animation artist Rali Beynon and photographer James Henry.

Students have already brainstormed some amazing ideas. The product will be presented as part of the Gertrude Street in Fitzroy Projection Festival.

Kindly supported by Creative Victoria.



Angela Dionysopoulos

Primary Art/Performing Arts program





This year our students are participating  in the Inner Northern Local Learning and Employment Network’s (INLLEN) Real Industry Job Interview (RIJI) program. RIJI is a work readiness program that assists students in developing good job search, resume writing and interviewing skills. The program is delivered as part of a school’s curriculum throughout a series of guided lesson plans and concludes in a face-to-face interview with a local volunteer interviewer during a RIJI event. 


The RIJI program is a real community effort and would not be possible without the participation of schools, service providers and local employers. INLLEN are seeking volunteer interviewers for their Mock Interview events and would love more families and friends from our local schools and communities to get involved. 


Mock-interviews for our school will take place on the following date and volunteers are needed:


12th of October

Fitzroy Town Hall


Interviews held other locations and are also seeking volunteers:


Darebin Schools:

17th / 19th of October

Darebin Arts Centre


Merri-Bek Schools:

10th/ 24th of October

Coburg Town Hall


If you would like to volunteer at one of these mock interview events, please contact Janelle Barnard (INLLEN’s RIJI Coordinator)via email at



INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE (updated 15 February) - Contact Person - Steve Wu


Please click on the attachment below to see a list of Stringed instruments for sale. If you have an instrument for sale please email Steve at:







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