Primary School News

Primary School


Dear Families,


Term two has had a smooth start and I can’t believe we are halfway through! Similar to last term student wellbeing and support have been at the centre of our extracurricular activities. We are working hard to ensure all of our students feel supported.


The Journey of Hope program is working with grades 5A, 5C, and 4C this term. Classroom teachers are continuing their work around social and emotional development and well-being and we are constantly looking at different ways to engage our students further.


Our quiet space during recess and lunchtime has continued to be popular. To support students further we have also added a few lunchtime clubs this term:


Wednesdays- Primary school Pride Club

                       Photography and Animation Club 

Thursdays-     Board games in the library

Friday-            Indoor soccer coaching


We are also super excited to have a Collingwood football club player come in on Wednesday lunchtime for the last 4 weeks of term two to run AFL coaching club. These sessions will run on the front oval for Primary school students.


We do have a few community events coming up as well as public holidays and student-free days. Please see below in regard to these dates.


Important Dates 


Term 2:

  • Monday 12th June- King’s Birthday public Holiday - No school for staff or students
  • Thursday 15th June- Student Free Day, staff onsite for professional learning and planning
  • Friday 16th June-Grade 6 Gala Day


  • Wednesday 21st June- Lantern Festival- Classroom teachers will be in touch with more details
  • Friday 23rd June - Last day of Term 2, students early dismissal 2.30 pm




Class four to six Orchestra concert - Tuesday, 23 May


It was so lovely to be able to share with families the amazing work the students and the teachers have put into learning their instruments. Everyone played beautifully. A huge thank you to Naomi for all of her hard work and for organising the event.




Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you.





Sormeh Afkari

Assistant Principal - Primary



Class 4C - Norse Mythology

Class 4C Steiner have been immersed in the tales of Norse Mythology. Delving into the world of giants and the gods of Asgard, the children have been learning about writing interesting and dramatic conversations. They have also been sculpting and drawing scenes from the stories.



Dance Performance

As part of the primary Performing Arts main program students from prep to 6 choreographed their own dance pieces to world music. Students performed for their families and classmates. The students were amazing. 



Animation Project

During Term 2, years 5 to 8 students are working with animation artist Rali Beynon and photographer James Henry.

Students have already brainstormed some amazing ideas. The product will be presented as part of the Gertrude Street in Fitzroy Projection Festival.

Kindly supported by Creative Victoria.



Angela Dionysopoulos

Primary Art/Performing Arts program




INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE (updated 15 February) - Contact Person - Steve Wu


Please click on the attachment below to see a list of Stringed instruments for sale. If you have an instrument for sale please email Steve at:





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