Principal's Report - Mr Pitt

Dear Parents/ Carers,
We are getting closer to the end of term. The last day of Term 1 is next Thursday 6 April, 2023. This will be the last newsletter for Term 1.
Our Election Day Sausage Sizzle was a great success on Saturday. We sold all the sausages and received quite a few donations from the community; some of whom were past students. It was lovely to connect with these community members, each remembering their days learning at Fairvale PS. We raised over $600 and this money will help support costs associated with the Year 6 Farewell. A very special thank you to the staff and community members who gave up their Saturday to assist - Mr Ali, Miss Michelle, Mrs Cameron, Mr Ly, Mrs Bawa, Miss Diep, Miss Zanatta, Miss Sue, Miss Kopec and led by Mrs Sloggett and Miss Ramina. Special shout out to Noah’s Butcher who donated the sausages for the fundraising event and Mr Serkan for setting everything up – thank you!
This week I visited primary EAL/D sessions. EAL/D stands for English as an additional Language and/or dialect. As you are aware, many of our community members come from an EAL/D background and our school receives additional funding to support these students. I visited 3 sessions:
- Miss Michael’s group were busily completing information about themselves on the devices. Children were writing sentences and adding some awesome drawings as well. I was able to spend time with everyone and I was really impressed with their work. When this work is published, it will be added to Seesaw for parents and friends to see. My favourite part of the visit was listening to everyone read their own writing.
- Miss Kopec’s group were completing spelling activities. Children were writing their own sentences on the mini whiteboards. I really liked how everyone was doing their best work as well as wanting to share their work too. Towards the end of the lesson some of the children read to me using the “Decodables” texts. Thank you, boys and girls, I had a great time visiting your group.
- Miss Jesudason’s group were focusing on developing their vocabulary knowledge connected to National Parks. David was away today, so Rama and I got to play the naming game with Miss Jesudason. Rama and I tried hard to guess Miss Jesudason’s card. She said it has feathers, lives in the tree, makes a laughing sound, start of the name is someone who makes food. We finally guessed it – kookaburra. Rama didn’t know what a kookaburra was so then we listened to one laughing.
Check out some of the photos in this edition of the newsletter.
Our annual K-6 Easter Hat Parade will be going ahead next week - Thursday 6 April. This is an opportunity for children to have some fun, leading up to the school holiday period. A COVID-smart plan has been completed and we ask that adults remain seated during the event. It is important that you listen to all staff on this day and if anyone is unwell, please stay home. The Easter Raffle and SRC Guessing Competition winners will also be announced on this day.
On Monday 24 April, 2023, staff will participate in a school development day (SDD). The focus day on the day is Aboriginal Education. This professional learning program is a key priority for the Department. Students return to school on Wednesday 26 April, 2023.
As Term 1 ends, it is time to mention some of the highlights. It has been a very busy term! Check it out.
- Sixty-three Kindergarten students successfully completed the Best Start Assessment and settled in well to school at Fairvale
- Years 1 to 6 settled quickly into new classes, this year named after National Parks
- Years 3-6 attended the School Swimming Carnival - the weather was beautiful! Many students went on to represent the school at the Zone Carnival, with two students successfully representing our school and zone at the Regional Carnival
- All classes attended a National Park incursion learning hosted by staff from Georges River Environmental Education Centre
- Face to Face Meet the Teacher sessions for parents/ carers were back on
- PSSA Session 1 commenced
- Playgroup with Miss Elena, Miss Michelle and Miss Samira commenced
- Stage 3 Leaders attended the GRIP Leadership Conference with Miss David
- Parent Café hosted some parent workshops coordinated by Miss Michelle and Miss Samira.
- We have held special days – Induction Assembly, Clean Up Fairvale Day and Harmony Day
- We end the term next week with our annual Easter festivities!
All adults on site will be healthy and ready to work and we expect the same from our children and their families. If children are unwell at school, you or your nominated emergency contact will need to collect them immediately. Please make sure your contact details are up to date. Check out the link below.
For the those in our community that participate in Easter festivities—Happy Easter to you all! Remember to relax, have fun and most importantly stay safe during the holiday period!
Anthony Pitt
I respect and acknowledge First Nations people as the traditional owners of the land on which I work, live and visit.
Ramadan Kareem to those community members celebrating. Peace and blessings to you all.
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Premier’s Back to School NSW program to get your kids ready for back to school
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we prepare for another year of learning in 2023, you can now apply for the Premier’s Back to School NSW program, offering $150 worth of vouchers (3 x $50 vouchers) to help pay for school supplies like school uniforms, shoes, bags, textbooks and stationery.
Every primary and secondary school student in NSW is eligible for the vouchers.
You can apply for and access your vouchers in your MyServiceNSW account, in the Service NSW app, by calling Service NSW on 137788 or by visiting your local Service Centre External Link.
To be eligible, your child needs to be a NSW resident and enrolled in a NSW primary or secondary school in 2023.
For more information, visit the Service NSW Website External Link.
Kind regards,
Anthony Pitt
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