Sydenham Campus Principal Message 

April 2023,


Year Level Assemblies

After having our whole campus assembly on January 31st, to finish off the term we held year level assemblies addressing each individual cohort. These were led by our student leaders. We celebrated student successes throughout the term including academic and sporting achievements. Thank you to our Campus Leaders Mr Ercan Hasip and Mrs Karen Martin for organising. 


RRR Awards

H team

7H1- Chloe Mazzon Sammit & Lukas Cepiviroski

7H2- Maddie Vallone & Owen Pullens

7H3- Levi Abela & Celine Mansour 

8H1- Akansha Gupta & Latrius Faatea

8H2- Logan Smith & Alex Charalambous

8H3- Alyssa Bajada & Marcus Erneste

8H4- Bethany Healey & Odysseus Pavlides 


E Team

7E1 - Cristian Denaro & Hope Anderson 

7E2 - Stefan San Pedro-Perez & Julia Portelli

7E3 - Lucas Guppy & Isabella Eilers

7E4 - Holly Martin & James Magsano

8E1 - Tilly Star & Roman Barbaro

8E2 - Alayna Anwar & Braydan Ho

8E3 - Jarryn Deguara & Aneka Van Loggerenberg


B Team

9B1 - Aden Mustafa & Audrey Chiodo

9B2 - Alwyn Kalms & Dom Kulundzic

9B3 - Keira Heavside & Emily Axiotis

10B1 - Raphaella Kaur & Catherine Monteleone

10B2 - Vincent Lay & Ansh Gupta

10B3 - Mia Triantafillidis and Erich Meinhardt

10B4 - Kiara Ambesi & Fredah Feseetai

10B5 - Savahna Maepu & Dimitar Mitreski


K team

9K1 - Charlie Webb & Rianna Malonzo

9K2 - Angus Morgan & Zara Hong

9K3 - Keysha Lay & Jiahn Yang

9K4 - Amy De'Arth & Neisha-Lee Fedele

10K1 - Nathan Busuttil & Connor Davis

10K2 - Makayla Nolan & Sienna Izak

10K3 - Mia Cutajar & William Harris

10K4 - Alexander Hughes & Isabella Portelli



From Wednesday March 15th to Friday March 24th our year 7 and 9 students completed there online NAPLAN tests for 2023. The students should be commended the time and effort they put into the tests. Students had a fantastic attitude towards the tests and completed them to the best of their abilities. With NAPLAN being completed earlier in the year we hope to have NAPLAN results for students in late term 2. These will be sent out to families and also teachers so they can use he data to support students in class.


Resilience youth Survey

Over the last few days, all students have completed the Resilient Youth Survey provided by the City of Brimbank. Student voice is an important priority at our College, and survey responses feed into our daily work. Responses will also be used by the Social and Emotional Well Being working party.


Year 7 Iron Form Day

Our Super Star Year 7 students had a fantastic day on Thursday March 30th with the Iron Form activities. Students and their Home Group teachers worked steadily throughout the first few weeks of Term 1 to present a mascot, a banner and a song that best represented each Home Group. Students finished the day with team relay races such egg. Students enjoyed the competition between Home Groups. Thank you to Our Transition Leader Krystal Allison and our Home Group teacher, Team Leaders, and Campus Leader for their ongoing support of our students.


College Athletics Carnival

There are not many opportunities for all the students from the College to come together and so the annual College Athletics Carnival is always a highlight. The weather was excellent for a great day of friendly competition between students and Campuses. Congratulations to all student athletes who competed and represented their teams so well. First place winners will go on to represent the College at the Keilor Division Athletics Carnival in term 3. The friendly competition also extends to the staff competing in the staff 100m Copperfield Gift, Shot Put competition and the Relay event against our Delahey students.


Discovery Evening

A big thank you to Ms Krystal Allison (Campus Transition Leader) for all of her work in organising and promoting the Discovery Evening last week. This event is a great chance for prospective students and their families to see the campus and hear about the wonderful opportunities that enrolling at Copperfield College- Sydenham Campus offers. The evening’s tag line “there’s more to Copperfield than you know” did not disappoint.



Campus Goals

We were very proud at our campus assembly to also congratulate our 2022 students who had made last year a Year of Champions. We shared with students how well we had achieved last year’s goals and how much we valued their contribution to that achievement. We unveiled our 2023 campus goals;

  • Improving Student Attendance, 
  • Seating Arrangements based on Student Data, 
  • Positive Behaviour recognition – Rewarding students for doing the right thing.
  • Fostering pride in our environment- classrooms, corridors and in the yard

We invited students to help us work towards these new goals and to make 2023 a Champions Together!



Mr Andrew Atherton and Ms Mary Chiodo                                Campus Principals