Secondary Notices

Demonstrating respect through wearing our uniform with pride
At Calrossy our students benefit from over 100 year reputation of excellence. One of the ways that this is upheld is by students wearing their uniform with pride. The Calrossy uniform policy is door to door, meaning that students are to wear their complete uniform (including their formal hat) from the time they leave their home to the time that they return.
As we commence Term Two and Three, families are reminded to ensure that all students have a complete uniform so that they can start the term off well. For the next two terms students should be wearing their full Winter uniform including a BLAZER and Formal Hat when they are outside of School grounds.
Please note: The Calrossy Uniform Shop will close this Term on Wednesday, April 5 at 4:30pm and reopen on Monday, April 24 at 8:00am. The Uniform shop will also open earlier on Wednesday, 26 at 8:00am.
Term Two Normal Opening Ours will be
Monday 8am - 4.30pm
Wednesday 11am - 4.30pm
Friday 8am - 4.30pm
Term 2 Parent Teacher Interviews
Two sessions of Parent Teacher Interviews will be held early in Term 2.
On Tuesday, May 2nd, parents of students in Years 7-9 will be able to attend face-to-face Parent Teacher Interviews between 4pm and 6pm on the Brisbane Street Campus in the Peter Smart Auditorium.
On Tuesday May 9th, parents of students across all years 7-12 will be able to hold a telephone Parent Teacher Interview between 4pm and 6pm. Bookings for both sessions will open early in the new term. Parents will be advised when the booking system has been opened.
As always, parents are encouraged to contact our classroom teachers directly at any time if they have any questions or concerns. This can be done by telephoning the school, or by email contact. Parent Teacher Interviews are just one way that parents can engage and participate in their child’s learning at Calrossy.
Important Dates
April 1 - April 5 - Year 8 away on expedition
April 2 - 5 - Year 11 away on expedition
April 3 - Cattle Team departs for the Royal Easter Sydney Show
Term 2
April 45 - ANZAC Day March. Any students taking part are to wear full winter uniform includes Dress Hat and Blazers.
April 25 - Boarding Houses open 2pm
April 26 - Students return in Full Winter Uniform
April 28 - ANZAC Service at WCC. Whole School Event
May 2 – Parent Teacher Interviews for Years 7-9 in person
May 3 – Year 10 Vaccinations
ANZAC Day March
Calrossy students will participate in the Tamworth ANZAC Day March on Tuesday, 25 April. Students who are able to march should meet in Bourke Street at 9.30am, wearing full winter uniform, including blazers and dress hats (no caps or bucket hats to be worn please). You may collect your child from No 1 Oval at the conclusion of the March. If students wish to, they may march in their home town, again in their Calrossy uniform.
Please be reminded that, despite what the calendar says, we will not be opening the boarding houses on Monday evening for the ANZAC Day March. Boarders return from 2pm on 25 April.
If you are requiring Winter Uniform items, online ordering and the Calrossy Uniform Shop opening hours can be found here:
100 days to Graduation
The countdown is on for the Class of 2023... last week it was 100 days to their Graduation. They celebrated with cake, pizza and balloons!
Year 11 Expedition
Our Year 11 students are finishing their first term on an adventure, with the annual expedition to Emu Gully near Toowoomba. The Emu Gully Adventure Group runs programs which focus on courage, mateship, perseverance and are designed to challenge and inspire the students.
Yr 7 & 9 Photo galleries are now up on The HUB
Harmony Day
Last week Calrossy 7-9 Mentor groups celebrated Harmony Week with a photo challenge. The groups tried to capture the theme of the week in an image. Harmony Week is a celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.
Federation Cup Win
Calrossy debaters have emerged victorious in the Federation Cup Debating Tournament for 2023. Stage Four and Six remained undefeated over the entire competition as they parried against TAS, McCarthy and Farrer. The competition was held over two separate days, with Calrossy hosting the finals. Congratulations to all students and their coaches, Ms Sam Alston, Ms Grace Frith, Mrs Lauren Mettam and Mrs Stephanie Heywood as well as to the students and coaches from each of the other schools for their outstanding effort.