Junior School Notices

Assembly Awards
ANZAC Day March
Calrossy marches as a whole school along Peel Street as part of the town ANZAC Day
Parade. Students from Kindergarten to Year 12 are warmly encouraged to march with the
school. Prep students may march with an older sibling, staff member or friend, by pre-
arrangement. K-12 please meet at Bourke Street at 9:30am. Students wishing to march
MUST be in full winter uniform with hat. Students may also march in surrounding towns,
near their homes.
- Prep in sports uniform with play hat.
- K-2 in winter uniform with navy woollen jumper and play hat.
- Yr 3-6 in winter uniform with blazer and dress hat.
If you are requiring Winter Uniform items, online ordering and the Calrossy Uniform Shop opening hours can be found here:
Term 2
Term 2 commences on Wednesday 26th April. All students are required to be in full Winter
After School Care and Vacation Care
Provided by Esteem Kids, please contact William Wong for bookings 0410 841 628
Term 2 Dates for your Diary
- ANZAC Day March along Peel Street, meet at 9:30am on Bourke Street - Tuesday 25th April
- Students return for Term 2 - Wednesday 26th April
- Whole School ANZAC Day Service - Friday 28th April, 9am WCC Amphitheatre
- HRIS Cross Country - Friday 28th April
- Monday 1st May, 11am. JS Tour for current Prep families.
- Junior School Mother's Day Assembly and Morning Tea, 9am, WCC Hall. All welcome - Friday 12th May
- Yr 5 and 6 Da Vinci Decathlon - Tuesday 16th May
- Yr 6 GRIP Leadership Day (Leaders only) - Tuesday 16th May
- Primary Netball Gala Day - Tuesday 16th May (for students who are not attending Da Vinci or GRIP)
- P&F Meeting - Wednesday 17th May
- Week 5 - Week of Wellbeing - Monday 22nd - Friday 26th May
- National Simultaneous Storytime - Wednesday 24th May
- JS Athletics Carnival - Friday 2nd June
- Kinder Night Out - Friday 9th June
- Kings Birthday Long Weekend Public Holiday - Monday 12th June - no school
- P,K,1 Athletics Carnival - Thursday 15th June
- HRIS Public Speaking - Friday 16th June
- Yr 6 Camp to Canberra - Monday 19th to Friday 23rd June
Contacting the Junior School
The easiest way to contact the Junior School is via email orphone juniorschool@calrossy.nsw.edu.au or 5776 5100 and press #2.
Please check the Junior School Notices on the HUB, they are updated by Sunday evening each week. https://thehub.calrossy.nsw.edu.au/homepage/3243
Year 5 Expedition
Year 5 are currently on their 3-night excursion to Milson Island, staying at the Sport and Recreation Centre. The programs offered by NSW Sport and Recreation promote the core ideas of the PDHPE Syllabus by promoting an active and healthy lifestyle and making informed decisions that lead to effective and responsible actions. The camp focuses on encouraging, understanding and valuing self and others, there is a big focus on independence whilst children are away from home. The students will be participating in orienteering, archery, raft building, kayaking, an amazing race, a boat trip to Twin Islands, BMX biking and paddle polo. What a great way to end the term.
Easter SRC and P&F Raffle
Congratulations to the Junior School SRC and our wonderful P&F organisation for their work with the recent Easter Raffle. They worked together to sell over $1800 worth of tickets in the tasty raffle and awarded 44 Easter prizes across the Junior School (the lucky recipients are pictured above).
Junior School Special Visit
Calrossy Junior School Prep Red, Year 4 and Year 5 had a very special opportunity to hear from Mrs Skye Fagan's Japanese friend, Tomomi and her daughter, Yuzuka about their life in Japan last week. The students were able to ask them questions with a highlight learning about the earthquake drills they do at Yuzuka's school which is in a seven storey building in the centre of Tokyo.
Yuzuka also had the opportunity to play with students in Year 3 at lunch time and visit the Yr 3 class after lunch where she participated in a science lesson and made a sundial. It was a wonderful opportunity for students to interact with Japanese speakers and find out first hand about their life in Tokyo.
Year 4 improving native bird population
Year 4 students with the help from some of our parent and grandparent helpers have been busy building bird nest boxes. The students are looking to improve the native bird population at our school and this is one possible way they have identified to do this. Well done everyone, they look great. Check out the photo gallery below.
Mothers' Day Photo session P & F Fundraiser
Don't miss your chance to give the gift that will last a lifetime this Mother's Day.
Book in for the Calrossy Mother's Day Mini Photo Sessions with Lucinda Catherine Photography.
Click Here for times and to view Lucinda's Gallery Click Here
Your 15 minute session will give you 10 edited and downloadable images from a selection gallery.
From every booking $20.00 will be donated to the Calrossy P & F.