Calrossy Junior School

We have finished the term with a focus on the character strength, ‘Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence’.
God looked at everything he had made. And he saw that everything was
very good. Genesis 1:31.
Year 5 are away on Camp at Milson Island on the Hawkesbury River near Sydney, and they will certainly be surrounded by beauty, but will also see their friends exhibit excellence in new ways, not always seen in the classroom. I love camps for this very reason, it gives children a new place to shine and show excellence.
In Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence we recognise, emotionally experience, and
appreciate the beauty around us and the skill of others. It’s not just about us, but the
goodness and skill in those around us. God has uniquely and intricately made us to be just
the way he desired, and he loves us. Let’s use our skills for the glory of God who made us.
It has been lovely seeing so many parents over the last fortnight. Thank you for helping at the Disco, attending Parent Teacher Interviews, contributing your patience and creative talents towards making Easter Hats in the classrooms and for spectating at the Cross Country. We have also appreciated the on-going support from parents at our Infants Gross Motor Programs and through the P&F events: Easter Raffle, BBQs and meeting attendance. We are looking forward to fostering these connections and building our community even further throughout Term 2.
We hope to see you at one of our Easter celebrations this week: The Infants Easter Hat Parade at 10am tomorrow or the Junior School Easter Service at 9am on Thursday, both in the WCC Hall. Please park behind the Hall.
Have a great wonderful holiday break and an enjoyable Easter Long Weekend. Happy Easter!
1 Peter 1:3: "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."
Claire Smith
Head of Junior School