Music News- Week 12

Autumn Soiree

The Music Department is proud to present the first secondary ensembles concert of the year: the Autumn Soiree. Held in the St Louis Sports Centre on Sunday 21 May at 5pm, this concert features performances by Concert Band, Wind Band, Chamber Orchestra, Chamber Choir, Swing Band and Treble Choir. Students are required to arrive at 4pm, with refreshments served for families in the Pavilion from this time.


Tickets for the Autumn Soiree are free and available via the following link: TryBooking


Dress code for students is black Music Performance Uniforms, with a plain black t-shirt or singlet under the jacket, with black socks and College shoes. Sound checks for the Autumn Soiree are held in the St Louis Sports Centre on Friday 19 May according to the following schedule (please arrive 10mins before the scheduled time and advise directors if unable to attend):

TimeSt Louis Sports Centre
1:00pmConcert Band
1:30pmWind Band
1:55pmSwing Band
2:20pmChamber Orchestra
2:45pmTreble Choir / Barbershop
3:15pmChamber Choir

Alumni Concert

John XXIII College student Kyle Garces (Class of 2017) will be performing in a fundraising afternoon concert on Sunday 7 May. Held at the beautiful Montgomery Hall, this concert will feature young opera stars performing songs and arias during a provided afternoon tea.


Tickets for this fundraising concert can be purchased at

Australian Combined Schools Music Festival - Billeting

We are seeking further expressions of interest for families to host interstate students as part of the Australian Combined Schools Music Festival. Billeting involves hosting an upper school student/s for four nights at the end of Term 2, with some transport to and from Methodist Ladies College on Stirling Highway.


A complete schedule of festival events, transport and accommodation details for billet families is available from the Music Department. Please contact the Music Office on 9383 0440 or email for further details.

Enrolment in Music Lessons

To enrol in individual music lessons for all instruments and in voice, please use the following application form: Music Lesson Application Form.


Please note that some instruments may have a waiting list based on tutor availability.

Music Department Policies, Handbook and Calendar

Please note that some Music Department information and policies have been updated for 2023. All families are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the policies, particularly regarding advice of student sickness/absence from lessons. All relevant Music Department documents are available via SEQTA documents. Please contact the Music Office or Music Staff with any queries.


James Kros

Head of Learning Area - Music