Infants and Primary

Infants News

It was wonderful to see our school full of happy and healthy people when school returned last week. Thank you to all the students who marched as part of our school community during the Anzac Day march before returning to school. It was fantastic to have a great presence from our school at this special commemoration.


The weather has sure turned up the chill factor these last few days. Once again, please ensure all jumpers are named clearly – it is nearly impossible to make sure jumpers go home with the right students if they are not labelled. Thank you for your help with this.


Our staff are always happy to answer any questions or discuss any concerns – please contact us through the office at any time.


Ms Mem Brougham

Assistant Principal Infants (relieving)


Kindergarten students have been building their rhyming skills this week – matching words and pictures that rhyme as well as trying to build on or continue the rhyme. They are getting better and better each day and have been challenged to listen out for rhymes at home. We have been reading lots of books in class and during library lessons that have rhyming patterns, including Dr Seuss books and stories by Julia Donaldson.

In mathematics we have been exploring features of 2D shapes. We have gone on a shape hunt around the school and have been amazed at how many shapes we can see in our buildings and our trees and plants. Students have been making shapes using sticks, playdough, geoboards and other items and have had fun make shape pictures.

We have also been practising for our upcoming Cross Country run and huffing and puffing our way around the school grounds. It is fun to run!


Ms Mem Brougham - Kindergarten Teacher

Primary News

We've made a strong start to our learning for Term 3 in the primary classrooms. The students have gotten straight back into the routines and expectations, which has allowed the classrooms to be full of fun and learning in the first few weeks.


Thank you to all students and families that marched with our school at the Boorowa Anzac Day town ceremony. This day is personally especially important to me, as both my grandfathers fought during World War II, and I am always so proud to be a part of our school's march on Anzac Day. Well done to all of you. 


Great news in rugby league with Zac being selected in the Western Region rugby league team to participate in the NSW state carnival this term in Wagga Wagga. Zac attended the trial with Sebastian, Banjo, Noah and Joe at the end of last term. All the boys put in a huge effort throughout the day and represented our school well. Good luck to Zac for the upcoming carnival, I know you'll do our school proud.


Also, a big well done to Peter who got a silver medal in last term's NSW state swimming carnival. This is an incredible achievement for someone from a rural, isolated area - and we're all immensely proud of your achievements Peter!


Our first assembly for the term will be in Week 3 on Tuesday at 2:40pm - we will be awarding the Age Champions from the athletics carnival at this assembly.


As always, please get in touch if there is anything that you would like to discuss.


Jason Stuart

Assistant Principal Primary (relieving)

4/5 Class

The 4/5 class have had a great start to Term 2. In literacy, we are focusing on imaginative text types and editing our work. We continue to build stamina as readers and are working hard on understanding simple and complex texts. In mathematics, the students have displayed an increase in their times table fluency, and we continue to work through different content areas each week. In science, we are looking at different states of matter and will be completing some experiments to reinforce this knowledge soon. Our Genius hour presentation will be presented early this term, the kids are excited to share what they have learnt. Public speaking and reports are also on the calendar for this term, so as usual, 4/5 will be extremely busy. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me via email


Matthew Rowley - 4/5 Teacher

5/6 Class


The 5/6 classroom have had a good start to the term, with a strong focus on Anzac Day writing. We've researched what it was like to be on the boats travelling towards the Gallipoli landing, what life in the trenches was like, and how war affected the soldiers at the time and after the war. We wrote first-person diary entries, and the use of language and emotive vocabulary was excellent.

In mathematics, our major focus this term is on fractions, decimals and percentages. Once again, knowing our number facts is essential for success in this area, so daily practise of number facts and times tables continues to be the expectation for all students at home.

Some of our students had their writing read out during the school's Anzac Day commemorative service, and not only was the writing of an exceedingly high standard, but it showed an incredible respect for the history of our nation and all service men and women. Well done to all in 5/6.


Please contact me if there is anything you would like to discuss.


Jason Stuart - 5/6 Teacher