Catholic Identity

Reflection - 5th Sunday of Easter 

Sunday’s Gospel was from the Gospel of John. John’s Gospel is beautifully written and rich to reflect upon. Set in the days after Jesus' resurrection when the Apostles are wondering, "What now?", we reflect upon their doubt, concern and desire for direction. Thomas asks, "Lord, we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way?" Philip also pleads for direction, "Lord, let us see the Father and then we shall be satisfied." 


How often in life are we left desperate for direction and rush to a conclusion, when all around us are the answers we have been looking for? Jesus states, "It is the Father, living in me, who is doing this work." Jesus also tells the Apostles, "I tell you most solemnly, whoever believes in me will perform the same work as I do myself, he will perform even greater works, because I am going to the Father." For us Jesus is saying we are here to carry on Jesus’ work. 


Christ came to earth to share in our humanity, so we may then share in the divinity of Christ. We are then able to carry on our lives sharing in the Divinity of Christ, sharing in Christ’s love for all and bringing to life the Kingdom of God in our lives.


Sacramental Program, St Mel’s Parish

We ask that you keep in your prayers our students and their families currently taking part in the Sacramental Program. In the next few weeks they will be finalising their journey of preparation for their Confirmation and First Eucharist taking place on Sunday, May 28.


Caritas Project Compassion fundraising and Catholic Social Teachings

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Caritas fundraising and awareness campaign during Term 1. Catholic Social Teachings inform our daily participation as Catholic Christians in the world around us while we work towards bringing to life the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Caritas website is a great resource for anyone who would like more information about the Catholic Social Teachings and how you can be involved in bringing to life Christ's teachings of love in the world around us. Some key social justice days in the Catholic calendar this term are below. Your support for our recent Project Compassion fundraising is greatly appreciated. Information about how these funds are used is available on the Caritas website and includes projects such as education for adults in Zimbabwe and Vietnam, leadership training for students in Nepal, and the Baabayn Young Mums and Bubs program in Sydney, Australia. 


Key Social Justice Days for Term 2 

May 22: International Day of Biological Diversity 

May 16 - 24: Laudato Si’ Week 

May 26: National Sorry Day

May 27 - June 3: National Reconciliation Week

June 5: World Environment Day 

June 17: World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

June 18 - 24: Refugee Week

June 20: World Refugee Day

July 2 - 9: NAIDOC Week


- Elizabeth Holligan, Religious Education Leader

Thanks for supporting college's fundraising efforts

We would like to thank the college community for supporting our Caritas Project Compassion fundraising efforts during Lent. A grand total of $1,678.67 was raised, the bulk of which came from Zooper Dooper sales. Other fundraisers included 'Guess the number of lollies', a staff fundraiser and community donations.  


We would like to acknowledge the consistent work that some students put into facilitating the Zooper Dooper sales and helping out, namely Stella Tormey, Ava Walsh and Charli Henry.  Lee and Blake McCrindle often helped with setting up and packing up. Lee also helped with managing stock and space.  An honourabale mention also goes to Tanis Espagne and Poppie Carboon.


 - Jacqui Avard, Learning Support Officer