Year Six

Year Level Meeting In the 'Great Space'

Year 6 Inquiry 

Mystery Suitcase ............... Let's Go Travelling!

The Year 6 students are working in the Unit of Inquiry – Who We Are. After choosing a country to research, students have generated their own questions and wonderings under the headings, People, Place & Culture. Students are working on researching their questions and finding out more about their chosen country. 


They will choose a medium in which to display their findings and share as a presentation to their peers. 


Teachers and students are enjoying the opportunity to work collaboratively with friends and other students across different classes for activities in Break-Out Rooms, and the Year 6 teachers are so impressed with students’ positive attitudes towards their learning. 


Students are really enjoying the opportunity to delve into the history and cultures of their chosen countries and we can’t wait to learn more when they present their work! 

Friday Cooking  Classes Online

We are so happy and grateful that the Year 6 students have embraced the many opportunities we have provided them with this term. They have been willing to learn new skills and have eagerly participated in our Friday morning kitchen sessions. It has been lovely to hear really positive feedback from you about how your children have not only created yummy snacks for the family, but also managed to clean up after themselves!




An example of how well the clean up at home sometimes goes:)


Our year 6 students have loved getting their hands dirty and creating some culinary delights during Remote Learning. So far we have made Milo balls , ‘2 Ingredient Magic Dough , Rice Paper Rolls and this Friday we are making a slice.



Our special guest, Mr Plowright, proved that you don’t always need to follow a recipe exactly to get a decent end product! Poor Mr Ross ended up wearing some of the ingredients, care of Mr Plowright! Mrs Badley was amazing behind the camera, with special comments and her clean as you go approach to cooking. Mr Arnold's chef's apprentice (2 year old daughter Cora) sampled ingredients for quality control, whilst offering words of encouragement… ‘Roll it Daddy’!


We tried our skills with creating different shaped baked goods.... sweet and savoury scrolls, pretzels, donuts, plaits and even croissants!

'I made cinnamon logs, they were delicious.  Izzy

Student Reflections

My favourite activity from today was the cooking. It was sort of a shame because I didn’t have enough Greek yoghurt, so the mixture didn’t come together a lot. I used some water to help bring it together, and it separated the ingredients but helped me to knead it. I made four Nutella things, two berry dumpling things, and two herb, cheese and salt mini pizzas. My family really enjoyed the bread, and their favourite was the herb, cheese and salt mini pizzas. 


                                      Bridie  E


Today I loved doing the online cooking. Cooking makes me feel so happy and in the past two lock downs it has been my escape. I helped my dad make chili con carne and homemade ice-cream!! I needed to ride up to the shop to get cream after just going up to the shops to get more Self Raising flour this morning!



                                    Skye M

Wellbeing - Pilates


The Year 6 students participated in an online Pilates class held by Ms Carter's daughter Sophie (Certified Pilates Instructor) to provide the students with a mid-morning brain break and the opportunity to focus on their physical Wellbeing. 

Mrs Duffy enjoying watching Mr Ross and Mrs Badley participating in the Pilates session.