Year 3 News

Year 3 Think Tank

The Year 3 students have been busy working on their Think Tank project. For this, the students need to think of an invention that is flawed and attempt to improve that invention. They follow this design process to create their new product:



For the communicate part of the design process, the students were asked to create a PowerPoint outlining their new and improved product. They also needed to make a prototype of their design.


Once all of the PowerPoints have been presented the students will vote for 2 products to be taken to the Annual BNPS Shark Tank Convention.


The students have had to use many skills to finalise their Think Tank project:

  • Generating ideas
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Problem solving
  • Designing
  • Questioning
  • Technical skills such as creating a PowerPoint

3A Think Tank PowerPoints


3A Prototypes


3B Think Tank PowerPoints

3B Prototypes





3C Think Tank PowerPoints


3C Prototypes


3D Think Tank PowerPoints



3D Prototypes



We are looking forward to returning to school to hold our 2021 Shark Tank Convention.