Year 1 News 

Year One Remote Learning News


Whoa! Our Year One students have engaged in an impressive few weeks of remote learning, with the biggest highlight, for most, being an interactive cooking lesson linked to our Unit of Inquiry. 


Week 6 saw the Year One students explore the origins and process involved in creating chocolate. Last Thursday our eagre students and teachers learnt about the importance of following sequential steps, as they whipped up a storm in their respective kitchens.


The students followed along with their classroom teacher, as they created the delicious “No-bake Chocolate Weetbix Slice”. Afterwards, not only did the students enjoy taste testing and savouring their scrumptious slices, but they were also required to write up a procedural text explaining the steps involved in making the slice. Mrs Duffy even joined in the fun by being a special visitor to 1A’s online classroom. Thanks Mrs Duffy!

Amelia 1D and Ned 1D

Hugo 1C and Johanna's 1A Procedural Writing

Abby's 1B Procedural Writing & Layla 1C

Eva 1A & Piper/Noah/Mrs Horler 1A

Sophie 1A & her Procedural Writing and Spencer's 1A Procedural Writing


Writing & Book Week 

This week there has been much excitement and energy as we commenced the beginning of our Book Week celebrations and subsequent Book Week activities. The Year One teachers have chosen an array of CBCA shortlisted books, starting with “We Love You Magoo” written and illustrated by Briony Stewart and “Ellie’s Dragon” written by Bob Graham.


The Year One students completed their very first Author Study, by firstly listening to the story and then listening to Briony speak about herself and her stories. We also accessed Briony’s biography, found on her website, to elicit some interesting facts about the author.

Amelia 1B and Mia 1B

Emilia 1C, Zac 1C and Madden's 1C Author Study

Creative Writing

The Year 1 students worked hard when exploring “Sizzling Starts” in our creative writing session this week. The students were inspired by Bob Graham’s “Ellie’s Dragon” and were presented with a picture of a “dragon’s egg” to use as a writing prompt. The students were then asked to create a “Sizzling Start” for a narrative piece. 


We learnt about the five ways to engage a reader when writing a narrative piece: 1. Start with the action, 2. Use Dialogue, 3. Make the reader curious, 4. Ask a question, 5. Use humour and 6. Add onomatopoeia. 


The results from our creative writing sessions were impressive and we are sure you will all agree.

Cameron 1D and Piper 1A

Henry 1A and Madden 1C

Jack 1C and Beau 1C

Mason 1C and Finn 1B

Sora 1D and Harriet 1D






Izzie 1C


Over the past few weeks the Year One students have covered many mathematical topics across all strands. The most favoured task was exploring Australian coins. We learnt about how coins are made, the value of each coin, as well as the physical attributes of each coin.


The students also practiced counting money and calculating change. Each child was then given the task of creating a make believe “lunch order”, where they were given $10 to spend. 


The students were then asked to choose items from a menu and to calculate the total price spent. Many students also challenged themselves by calculating how much change they would receive from their $10. We were impressed with the quality of the work produced as well as the children’s knowledge of coins. 

Zoe 1A and Logan 1B

Emilia 1C and Maddi 1C

Bessi 1D and Lilia 1C



Remote Learning hasn’t stopped the Year One students from enjoying their daily wellbeing lessons. We have enjoyed many Cosmic Yoga sessions, partaken in The Resilience Project at home lessons, discussed social stories and our emotions, as well as completed lessons from the Cyber Safety Project. 


A highlight for the Year One teachers is watching as the Year One students (and even some siblings, parents and grandparents too) partake in yoga at home. We know many students have been relaying to their families about the importance of relaxing our minds and bodies during this lockdown period. 


This week the students have enjoyed partaking in some Book Week related wellbeing lessons including “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” Cosmic Yoga and a lesson on desirable Personal Qualities of a friend, linked to Bob Graham’s book “Ellie’s Dragon”. 

Lexie 1C (and her brother Owen) & Harry 1C