Prep News

The Prep children have navigated the move to remote learning better than we could have imagined. They are so respectful and engaged, and they really love putting up their virtual hand to share their ideas. It is always so lovely to be greeted by their smiling faces, eager to share their news each morning.


Prep A

The Preps use their whiteboards each day, which is a fantastic way for them to be able to demonstrate their learning and receive immediate feedback. We play both literacy and numeracy games as well as practice writing our letters and numbers and to revise our SMART spelling words.


We usually start our morning with a game or questionnaire. The Preppies have the opportunity to take turns and help contribute to a class survey. The class data we collect has been organised using tally marks, and has also been made into pictographs. These morning activities always link in well to the weekly maths activities the Preps will engage in throughout the week.


Student engagement is at the forefront of our minds, as we are aware that it is extremely difficult for many of the Preppies to stay sitting and focused for extended periods of time online. We try to break up our learning with whole body activities, for example, morning exercises / stretching and the Preps have danced to a clip where they copy a video to make the letters of the alphabet using their bodies. We incorporate interesting video clips throughout our meetings to make our online learning more fun!


Prep B

The Preps are always extremely excited to share their learning each day. Our 11:30am check-in sessions are an excellent opportunity for the students to learn from each other. The sharing of work allows for students to reflect on the tasks they have completed and also gives teachers the opportunity to provide constructive feedback to the whole class.


This week we started our small group sessions. Students are given the opportunity to read to their teacher and complete tasks in a smaller group setting, as well as connect with a few of their peers. This gives the teachers the opportunity to listen to each child read individually and allows teachers to guide students through writing and maths games.


Prep C

The Preps have loved some of our Inquiry lessons, particularly making a cubby and a house for the Big Bad Wolf to blow down. It's been lovely seeing photos of them in their cubbies!

 Although we would all really love to be seeing the Preppies face to face, we are so proud of the amazing learning our students are managing to do at home!


Prep D



We are so proud of you all.

The Prep Team




Prep B made my day, last Monday, singing Happy Birthday to me (Nicole/Office) and writing birthday cards for me on their white boards.