Principal's Report

Principals Report

This week we thought it would be beneficial to provide a snapshot of what school is like for our students during a week of Remote Learning. 

Miss Evins reading to her class
Miss Evins reading to her class

Many families will have had a glimpse of the programs and lessons being provided each day specific to their child’s class but today we would like to share a glimpse of each year level, specialist class and our onsite care and supervision program.


To accompany the weekly timetable teachers in Prep, Years 1 and 2 prepared a pack for each student to have at home so that they are fully prepared for their daily lessons.   I would like to sincerely thank the staff for their commitment to this task.  The provision of student packs is twofold.  The packs are not only for the student but also as a means of supporting families minimising the need to print at home. 

The students in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 receive their daily task via OneNote.  Twelve months ago we had only just introduced OneNote to our students and now they navigate the MS platform with confidence and ease.    The knowledge and skills of our staff is also to be applauded, as is evident in their online teaching sessions. 


This week I have visited many classes online to view firsthand the remote learning lessons. It may be via a screen but the engagement of our students is clearly evident.  It is wonderful speaking to the children in their virtual classroom, listening to their feedback and viewing their participation in all sessions.  The smiles on their faces say what words cannot really portray.

It is not only our class teachers conducting their lesson online but each of our specialist teachers also.  Each week the students participate in Art, Music, Physical Education, Library and Japanese lessons.  Senior class also attend Art Therapy, Problem Solving and Wellbeing sessions.


Many Students in Year 1 and 2 are also attending their Intervention programs with Jenny Vawdrey and Pam Collins just as they would if they were onsite.


Our vulnerable and Permitted Workers’ children  who participate in onsite care and supervision throughout the week are being extremely well supported by our enthusiastic team of teachers, OSHC staff and Teacher Assistants.

Year 1 Making Fairy Bread

The Year 1 students participated in making fairy bread as part of their Procedural Writing. The Onsite Year 1 students also participated at BNPS  and thoroughly enjoyed themselves and looked so cute in their aprons.

2021 Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey



Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents/caregivers/guardians think of our school. The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is conducted amongst a sample of randomly selected parents/caregivers/guardians (previously known as the Parent Opinion Survey). It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, student engagement and experiences of remote and flexible learning. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies. Approximately 30 per cent of parents will be invited to participate in this year’s survey. All responses to the survey are anonymous. This year, the Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey will be conducted from Monday 23 August to Friday 3 September.


The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the fieldwork period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones. The online survey will be available in a range of languages other than English. These include: Arabic, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Chin (Hakha), Hindi, Japanese, Somali, Turkish, Punjabi and Greek.


If you received the email on Monday inviting you to participate in this Survey we encourage you complete this.   Thank you for taking the time to participate. Your assistance is greatly appreciated The feedback is sent to us once it is compiled by an independent company. 


Book Week Dress Up Day

Friday 27 August

Book Week is in full swing at BNPS with many classes enjoying several of the shortlisted books during their live connections with their teachers. 


This Friday  27 is our whole school dress up day for Book Week. We would like to encouraged as many students as possible to come dressed as a book character of their choice. Students can dress in full costume or just a pair of glasses, a hat or a wig. If your child chooses not to dress up, they will be required to wear their school uniform for their live connections. 


We are hoping to see many students from all year levels taking part in our Book Week celebration. 


On behalf of my staff I would like to sincerely thank the many families who have taken the time to email the school and voice their thanks and appreciation for everything we are doing. 

As difficult as it is at the time for everyone, home is the safest place for everyone especially our students.  The health and wellbeing of everyone is our priority.  The Delta variant is totally different to anything we have faced previously.


Keep safe and keep healthy everyone.


Kind Regards,


Sherril Duffy
Sherril Duffy