
Trish Lloyd

Please find below details of organisations that can provide trauma and mental health support from Afghan-background counsellors in English, Dari, Pashto and Hazaragi.



Children today can face a world of worries –which is why Life ED created the Mindfulness Mates. Healthy Harold’s Mindfulness Mates are a fun, friendly and FREE resource to help your child ease their worries and develop daily habits for a healthy (and happy) mind.


Click on the link to access the resource. You might like to read these with your children over the holidays. 

What's on The Fathering Channel?

Podcast: Raising happy, healthy children


Maggie Dent, one of Australia's leading parenting educators and authors sits down with us to talk about her new book. We unpack some key chapters and discuss topics around managing temperament, anxiety and discipline.  Listen Here



For some parents, it seems to be a never ending struggle to get the kids off the devices; TV, phones, ipad, xbox, you name it. How much is too much screen time, and how do we manage it? We've got six tips which you can start trying today. Read More



During these unique times, we know that dads are doing their best to juggle working from home, overcoming time pressures, and finding the time to commit to activities with the kids. Try these simple, timed activities this weekend. Watch Now