Aboriginal Education

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day. Children’s Day


Wednesday was National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day. Children’s Day is a time for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities and all Australians, to celebrate the strengths and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. This year’s theme is ‘Proud in culture, strong in spirit’


Windang Public School celebrated through acknowledging, celebrating and participating in many activities such as: making a family kinship tree, learning about and making animal tracks, making coolamons- a traditional carrying vessel as well as learning and reflecting on what spirit means. 



It has been an unusual start to Term 3. And NAIDOC week celebrations have not played out the way that we had planned. 


NAIDOC Week is a time to reflect and celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples - recognising them as the Traditional Owners of the land. 


NAIDOC Week is celebrated by all Australians and is a great opportunity to learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. 


The theme this year is Heal Country. Country is more than a place. Country is family, kin, law, lore, ceremony, traditions, and language. Healing Country means embracing First Nation’s cultural knowledge and understanding of Country as part of Australia's national heritage.


Over the past few weeks, students have participated in activities and experiences to celebrate NAIDOC Week! Through listening to stories, looking at the Indigenous Australia/NSW map, discussing the name of our country ‘Dharawal Country’, learning about traditional smoking ceremonies, discussing what we love about our country and making beautiful artworks of what country means to us.