Principal's Report
Next week students in years 2 -7 will participate in PAT R (reading comprehension) and PAT M (maths) assessments.
It is important that all students undertake these assessments. Our teachers have been building student skills in reading comprehension and number sense for a while now and we are really keen to see the impact of our improved practices on the learning outcomes for our students.
There have been several students coming to school in a variety of different coloured tops and jackets.
When you enrol your child at Hampstead primary School you agree to ensure your child/ ren adhere to our school dress code.
If students do not have an approved school jacket only plain black tops may be worn.
Plain meaning no logos.
The Governing Council have not approved hoods to be worn during school times.
We do have several school jackets in lost property – perhaps it might be worth a visit to school to see if any belong to your child/ren.
Please support your child/ren to dress appropriately for school.
The school dress code is in place for their safety. All students need to be in school colours so they can be easily identified as belonging and so that any unauthorised adults or children on site can also be quickly identified.
I appreciate your support in this matter.