School Council Update

Dear Community Members, 


On August 18, school council held its Annual Public Meeting where the 2020 Annual Report was tabled and discussed, as was the 2021 Annual Implementation Plan. Whilst attendance was low, this is understandable due to the current pressures lockdown 6.0 is presenting to many families. Thank you to those families who were able to join us.  Hopefully it gave you a strong understanding of where the school is currently positioned and what our plans are to capitalise on our successes and address areas for improvement. 

At the school council meeting that followed, the Education sub-committee presented three policies which were ratified by council.  These were:

  1. Inclusion and Diversity Policy
  2. Police and DFFS Interviews Policy
  3. Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy

These policies will soon be located on our school website for you to reference,  and will form the basis of how we operate in relation to these topics. 


Council also reviewed the results of the recent camp survey  at length with lots of very interesting points raised by parents in their responses. No decisions or recommendations have come of this yet, as the Education sub-committee will work with the School Improvement Team to see what meaningful connections can be made between camping programs and curriculum plans into the future. 


In what was clearly the most exciting news coming out of school council last week the Buildings and Grounds sub-committee put forward its recommendation for the replacement of our playground. The sub-committee examined the votes of the students, the costs of each design and the elements of each playground before making its recommendation. Council discussed this and approved the following playground be built with construction to begin in early term four.

Finally a big congratulations to the TheirCare team here at Mackellar who were recently recognised in this year's inaugural KindiCare Excellence Awards. The KindiCare Excellence Award recognises the Mackellar TheirCare Centre as being in the top 10% of early childhood and care centres receiving a 9.0 or better KindiCare Rating. Our centre received a rating of 9.6 which is a fantastic effort.  Well done to all of the team from TheirCare. 



Gurpreet Thiara

School Council President