
Curriculum Mapping

Over the course of this year, the staff have been working on mapping the curriculum at the school to ensure all areas of the Victorian Curriculum are being taught at the school in a sequential and scaffolded fashion.

The first step in this process involved a self-assessment of the  curriculum documentation currently used by the school.  This identified several strengths in curriculum and also highlighted some areas where further work was required to ensure a comprehensive implementation of the Victorian Curriculum.


From our self-assessment, the staff next mapped which curriculum areas would be taught and when . Foundation subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science and Health and Physical Education are taught annually, whilst others are year level specific such as Economics and Business. Others again are taught over two year bands or by specialist teachers. 


These annual plans have translated to year level plans, and these year level plans into pacing guides and scope and sequence charts.  These plans are well progressed and their implementation should commence in 2022. 


What will this mean in the classroom? It will provide teachers with a stronger understanding of what was taught to students in the year/s preceding their current teacher, and provide certainty around what will be taught in years to come. It will provide scope for differentiation of the curriculum to ensure point of need teaching whilst also encouraging student agency and choice in their learning.


The staff have been working diligently on this and have all contributed to its formation, development and soon its implementation. 

From the outside this may sound very dry, however as an educator it is crucial and engaging work that ensures your children have a very clear curriculum model that is scaffolded from one year to another. A curriculum model that covers all elements of the Victorian Curriculum and which focuses strongly on foundation subjects whilst also providing students opportunities in subject areas of interest. 




Meghann Wurm

Learning Specialist (English)

Shelley Wockner

Learning Specialist (Mathematics)