

In term 3 the senior students will have more flexibility to design their finished product whilst working in their team and are asked to justify their choices. They are encouraged to try different flavours using spices and seasonings, such as chillies and curry, then to give their opinion and make suggestions about what they would like to make next.


The Design and Technologies in terms 3 and 4, develops the knowledge, understanding and skills to ensure that students can create products creatively and safely manipulating with a range of materials, tools, and equipment. Term 3 and 4, the junior students will have the opportunity to showcase their understanding and skills with an emphasis on portioning, food presentation and food photography.


The Food Studies and Nutrition part of our learning develops the knowledge, understanding and skills to ensure that students can become critical learners and producers of healthy foods, understand where it comes from and how to prepare it. 


Grade 3 students have been investigating and designing their own food models and analysing models from different cultures. 


Grade 4s investigated microwaves and named the components. In the next week or two, senior students will investigate sports drinks, water and fruit juices and make healthy choices and comment on their choices. The grade 5 students finished investigating pasta and are currently analysing food labelling during online learning.  Junior students are continuing with their focus of a healthy lunch box, snacks, and takeaway food choices, and apply their understanding of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating.


During term 3 home learning, all students can access SHOWBIE and present their work in a range of ways. Some used a photo of themselves with the right tool and equipment, some students did it as a cut and paste whilst others again chose a voice note and explained kitchen safety.


Sally Wilson

Food Technology