Student wellbeing

Girls and consent a presentation for fathers
The Alliance of Girls' Schools Australasia, which MGSC is a member of, have extended an invitation to a presentation by Peggy Orenstein hosted by Korowa Girls' School. This is a free event.
An acclaimed expert on the challenges facing teens – and their parents – as they come of age in today’s culture, Peggy is known for her provocative insight, conversational style and surprising wit. Her fresh take on topics such as sexual consent, ethics and pleasure; the influences of mainstream media, social media and pornography; the rise of hook-up culture; sexual consent; and gender socialisation have put her in demand globally.
In 2021, the topic of consent has received unprecedented media coverage. What is consent? What does it mean for our sons and daughters? How can dads effectively engage in positive conversations with their children around the topic of consent to promote empowerment and respect.
We are delighted to be able to bring you this exclusive opportunity to engage with Peggy, which will be followed by a Q&A session online.
When: Tuesday 10 August 2021
Time: 5.00 - 6.00pm AEST
Venue: This event will be both face-to-face with an audience and online, depending on access and density restrictions at the time. Confirmation will be forthcoming closer to the date.
RSVP: Please register your interest here via Trybooking and log in details will be forwarded via email closer to the event. This is a FREE event.
NOTE: This event is primarily targeted at fathers and male guardians, however all parents are welcome to join.
Peggy Orenstein is the international author of the New York Times best-sellers Boys & Sex, Girls & Sex, Cinderella Ate My Daughter and the classic Schoolgirls. A contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine, Orenstein has also written for The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, New York Magazine, The Atlantic and The New Yorker.
Local government youth services
Kingston and Bayside Council's both offer a youth services program that includes information and activities for parents too.
Kingston Youth Services is running an online presentation for parents on social media and cyber safety on Tuesday 17 August. The theme is 'understanding the digital world'.
Bayside City Council Youth Services recently rain a parent information evening on teens and risk taking behaviour. See for details of their program.
Student Wellbeing team