Sport and competition

Planning was underway for 'ramping up' and recommencing regional and division level competition. Excitement was building that this could really be happening. The current lockdown will see another reorganisation of the interschool sport calendar.
Below is a table with the proposed events as of Thursday 6 August. Students should look out for emails with revision and updates on what's ahead after the current lockdown.
SMR revised schedule as of 6 August, am
Sport | Year Level | New Date |
AFL | Intermediate | Thu 12 Aug |
Netball | Senior | Tue 17 Aug |
AFL | Junior | Tue 31 Aug |
Netball | Intermediate (A and B) | Tue 10 Aug |
Netball | Year 8 (A and B) | Thu 12 Aug |
Netball | Year 7 (A and B) | Fri 13 Aug |
Soccer | Year 8 | Wed 18 Aug |
Cross Country | All years | TBC |
Round Robin revised dates
Sport | Year Level | Potential New Date |
Basketball (Beachside) | Intermediate | Fri 6 Aug |
Basketball (Beachside) | Year 8 | Mon 16 Aug |
Table Tennis (Beachside) | Year 8 | Mon 16th Aug |
Basketball (Beachside) | Year 7 | Wed 25 Aug |
Table Tennis (Beachside) | Year 7 | Wed 25 Aug |
Javelin trial reminder
For those students who may be interested in being part of the MGSC Athletics team for javelin ONLY, registration ofinterest is required using the form which can be found here.
This event did not take place at our full school Athletics carnival in term 1 for safety reasons. All other events were run on the day and thus the results have been used to formulate the team which will be shared with the affected students shortly.
Please ensure that if you do register your interest by Friday 6 August and that you also take note of the trial sessions based on your age group. Remember your age group is the age in which you have either turned or are turning this year.
When the Javelin trials will take place will be confirmed when onsite learning resumes.
Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to email me, Ms Parker, at
Ilana Parker
House competition and interschool sports coordinator