Library News 



PRC - Premier's Reading Challenge Victoria

There are 15 days left in the 2021 PRC!



We are in the final days of the PRC.  We have 18 students that have already completed the Challenge and so far our students have read 2223 books.  Next week we will be encouraging students to update their lists in their Library Meets but this can also be done at anytime at home.

All students have been registered and their accounts activated.  The 3 - 6 students have been reminded to record and add books as they go.  Some of our P - 2 students have been adding books at home with their families. If you have misplaced log in details, please just email me.   


The Challenge has been open since January and goes until September. Prep - 2 students need to read / listen to 30 books and 3 - 6 students need to read 15 books.     Books that are read in the Library and classroom will be added to student  accounts.


Students can access the PRC through the student page when they log in with their school google accounts or they can log in via this link  -  student log ins

Follow the prompts to log in as a student, (VPRC - Catholic).  Visit the menu/dashboard to select books to add and they can even write a book review.

 Just remember to always search for the PRC Victorian challenge!


As a school we participate in this every 2 years and ALL students are encouraged to try and complete the challenge.


Please email me if there are any issues.


Scholastic Bookclub at COHR

Issue 6 is out and you can order online. Visit this link to peruse and place your order by next Wednesday 8th September.  Once we have received delivery we shall ring you for pick up times. 


Peregrine Falcons in Melbourne CBC are back for 2021.

After following the peregrine falcons that live high up in Collins St Melbourne last year, we are excited to be back following them again.

In the last week there have been 4 eggs laid and now that the female has laid her clutch (anywhere between 3 - 5 eggs), it is now incubation time.  Both the male and female take it in turns to incubate the eggs, sitting on them and keeping them warm.  They will leave the nest but only for a short time and there is always one falcon close by keeping an eye on the nest.  The incubation time is roughly 30 - 33 days, so the by the end of September we should see some hatching.  This will be holiday time so we will keep you informed via normal school channels.


If you wish to follow along at home and visit the site as a family, here is the link,  

Since 1991, a pair of Peregrine Falcons has been observed in a nest on the rooftop of 367 Collins Street. As home to the only known peregrine falcon nesting site within Melbourne's CBD, the building plays a surprisingly important role to the ongoing breeding success of these rare and fiercely territorial birds. 

We look forward to following the falcons and the journey of the newly laid 4 eggs.

"My turn now!"
just counting the eggs
keeping them warm
"My turn now!"
just counting the eggs
keeping them warm


STORYBOX LIBRARY - School Subscription

Storybox Library is proving to be a terrific subscription for all families, especially in Lockdown 6.0.  Don't for get to visit and enjoy the books on offer.

Story Box Library
Story Box Library

Access Storybox Library on your Smart TV and enjoy listening to stories on your big screen!

 Log onto Storybox Library and access our school subscription.

 Log in details are.

Username:  cohrstorybox          Password: cohr2020



Please contact me if you have any questions, queries or suggestions.


Mrs Karen Wakeling