My Poetry

by Miette

Our Year 3/4s have been learning about and writing poetry. Lots of examples have appeared recently on our Social Media pages ( @COHR3166).


Miette from Year 4 decided to go beyond what was asked within the lessons and wrote her own piece. A poem which really reflects our world, our feelings and our journey through this time.


We thank Miette for sharing her talent with us.


My Poetry

There was a time when we were free

It was my favourite time you see

But then one day a virus came

It spread quick and brought shame


Soon there was new rules in law

Like wearing masks when you are out of your

And I can't stand near you anymore


Then one day we were locked down

Stuck in our house with a frown

Both school and work to do at home

Crowded up with no where to roam


Celebrations cancelled hurting us all

No longer allowed to go to the mall.

I hope that soon we break free

Because it is my favourite time you see