A Prayer For Fathers

From St Patrick

May God bless all of our families as we travel through these times, 

those with us, those who have passed and those who we can not be with.

May we take time today to celebrate and remember the good times and the happy times 

with our dads, uncles, grandfathers and special people.

We ask God to bless them all in the words of St Patrick.


Christ be beside him,

Christ before him,

Christ behind him,

Christ within him,

Christ beneath him,

Christ above him.

Christ on his right hand,

Christ on his left,

Christ where he lies,

Christ where he sits,

Christ where he rises.

Christ in the hearts of all who think of him,

Christ in the mouths of all who speak to him,

Christ in every eye that sees him,

Christ in every ear that hears him.



Happy Father's Day to all our COHR Dads. 

Our Father's Day video will be posted tomorrow, we hope you enjoy!