The Performing Arts Across Time

During Week 9 & 10 our Year 8 CREATE-Performance students will be presenting their online research and performance/demonstrations to peer audiences in their PBL: ‘The Performing Arts Across Time’. It’s incredible to see the variety of different topics chosen by students, ranging from the evolution of particular musical styles and instruments to such topics as ‘The impacts of film on society’. A highlight from last week’s session was Lucy Knighton’s presentation on ‘How women have been portrayed in movies/tv shows and commercials over time?’. Lucy’s performance element included an original film where she took on different roles to portray characters exemplifying the point she was making, whilst demonstrating skills & knowledge in drama.


As our wonderful principal, Debby Chaves, reminds us, we ‘respond & adapt’ to change as it happens, and watching the presentations today made me feel very proud of our students’ ability to re-frame and seek creative alternatives. This PBL has given students the opportunity to develop their skills as online presenters - a valuable learning experience with enormous real-world connection and relevance. We’re all excited to watch the presentations and offer praise and feedback for the wonderful work our students have been achieving!


Melanie Atma Gertler 

Foundation Teacher

CREATE – Performance

Instrumental Music Coordinator

Performing Arts Extracurricular   GOAL Mentor