Junior School Learning

News from Foundation 


Students have been developing their information report writing skills while exploring the classification of vertebrates. 

This week students have selected a zoo animal to collect information on including appearance, habitat, diet and interesting facts.



Students have been learning about subtraction using various resources to solve subtraction sums including blocks, counters, fingers and number lines. 


News from Year 1 and 2

1/2 Kitchen Garden

Grade 1/2 students have been cooking up a storm in the kitchen this term. Mrs O’Mealley has supported the students to make some healthy lunch box meals including salad wraps and a yummy rice salad. Some of the highlights have been students displaying resilience when trying new ingredients or eating something they assumed they wouldn’t like. Students have been working very well as a team when preparing the meals and enjoying the opportunity to try their cooking surrounded by their classmates. We are excited to see what is on the menu next week!