GV Passport

Year 9 Drug & Alcohol Education

Throughout this week Year 9 students undertaking Year 9 Health this semester participated in the GV PASSPORT Drug and Alcohol Education Program. 


Students are completing a unit on Drug and Alcohol Education and to enhance their knowledge and understanding they participated in the program with a number of expert run sessions on six different areas associated with drugs and alcohol. The program began by highlighting some rules, laws and how to stay safe when entering into a pub or club. Students then broke off into six smaller group rotations covering:


Drugs, Alcohol and the Law – Facilitated by Victorian Legal Aid, who covered the many legal issues that are associated.

First Aid – Facilitated by the Secondary School Nurse Team, covered what to do if someone is unwell, sick or injured, as well as prevention.

Beer Goggles – Facilitated by Secondary School Nurse Team, utilised ‘Beer Goggles’ that simulate how a persons vision may be affected with different levels of Blood Alcohol Concentration.

Drugs and Alcohol and Mental Health – Facilitated by GSSC Mental Health Practitioners, who discussed the effects that drug and alcohol use can have on our brain and mental health

Standard Drinks – Facilitated by Primary Care Connect, Drug and Alcohol workers, ran some activities around how much alcohol is in a standard drink.

Safe Partying – facilitated by the Secondary School Nurse Team, worked through some scenarios that highlight some of the dangers, choices and consequences that can arise when partying.


The students will continue to work on the Drug and Alcohol Unit over the next few weeks and we encourage parents to have conversations with their young people on the issues that are associated with drugs and alcohol.



Mark Metcalf

Adolescent Health