ILSP Update

Our Intensive Learning Support Program commenced at the beginning of Term 4 2022 on the McGuire Campus site, and continues to be appreciated by our ILSP students. The students work on their literacy and numeracy skills, personal development and skills aimed at entering the workforce, or other education sectors in the future. The students are fortunate to have access to a number of opportunities with a variety of business and community minded people supporting the College, in activities related to their studies.
This term students attending the McGuire Campus have continued to enjoy ‘Pitstop’ and trying out new tools and equipment while building or creating something. Students are able to work independently or collaboratively, depending on the task they are completing, or their needs.
Snacks and lunches are provided each day at the McGuire campus and have included pancakes with a variety of toppings and chicken tacos. At the Individual Learning Support Program sitting down together to eat as a 'family' is actively promoted so that the students can speak to and enjoy each others company.