
Anne Aldis - Arts & Engagement Learning Leader

In the Learning Area of Arts and Engagement, the new year has begun strongly and with high energy. One big change is to the subject in VCE visual arts, called Creative Arts Practice. The Year 11 class began this new study in Step Up, where the students have been introduced to the Swedish watercolourist Hilma af Klint and her spiritualist paintings. The students respond to her work and begin a journey in discovering the many techniques and processes in watercolour painting, using their own source of inspiration gathered from personal source imagery and brain storming.


VCE Media students are working hard on their production skills using the media equipment with expertise and creative skill.


VCE Visual Communication students have displayed their observational drawing of the classroom in the foyer of the De La Salle Building, with a series of large-scale pastel works highlighting the skills of the students in drawing and rendering surfaces coupled with the depiction of linear perspective to create a sense of space and depth.


Year 8 Visual Communication classes have been investigating the use of perspective to create depth in their wonderful Travel Poster topic. Students create this poster using the materials that they are comfortable using. These range from colour pencil, watercolour pencil, watercolour paint and posca pens. The results have been eye catching and fun, as they explore many different destinations, both real and imagined.