Captains' Corner 

Tameka Hagget - Faith and Mission Captain 

Hi Everyone,


It was so amazing to see so many people dressed in their cultural clothes, supporting Harmony Day and coming together as a diverse, all-inclusive community. You all made this day so memorable with your participation and support for all that Harmony Day stands for,. It was amazing to see all the memories you made, whether it was through the fashion parade, wearing cultural clothes (or orange) or by actively being a part of the assembly. As the Year 12s know, your time as St Johns is over so quickly, so be sure to make the most of all opportunities that come your way. I would also like to take this opportunity to encourage you all to participate in the upcoming athletics carnival, to support your House and have an enjoyable experience with your friends. 


We have also had many food stalls running this week for Project Compassion, and I thank all students who were involved, this act of service is greatly appreciated by your College community and people in developing countries whose lives will change because of this act of kindness.


I would like to congratulate the SIS interschool Choir students, and the Choir, and all other students involved in the Drum Theatre performance on Tuesday. It is amazing to see such courage from these students to put themselves out there to showcase their talents.  These students represented our school with pride and I commend them for their outstanding dedication and performance. 


I hope that you all have an amazing final week of school, have a safe and productive holiday and I look forward to seeing you all ready to learn next term.