Student of the Week Awards Presented 17/3/23

Delsa V. - 00M

This award is presented to Delsa for all the effort she has made to learn her common words. Delsa is flying through the different colour levels and her understanding of words is starting to flow through into her writing. I am so happy that you are in Foundation M, Delsa, and I look forward to continuing your learning journey together!

Charlotte A. - 1/2B

Congratulations Charlotte for having a fantastic attitude and being a positive member of 1/2B. Charlotte has been actively contributing in our Maths unit this week, and has been successful in describing the features of 2D shapes. Keep up the good work Charlotte!

Hannah R. - 1/2C

This award goes to Hannah for showing the HEART value of Excellence. This week, Hannah chose to push herself during our Maths lessons on shape. She wanted to learn some new 2D shapes, so researched on an iPad and shared her findings with some of her classmates. Wonderful work Hannah! Keep it up!

Savannah C.  - 1/2R

Congratulations Savannah for planning and drafting a wonderfully expressive narrative. Savannah now reviews her own work independently and can identify areas for her own improvement. Keep up the good work!

Tommy P. - 3/4K

This award goes to Tommy for the perseverance and effort he has demonstrated in Writing this week. Tommy was able to create some terrific character descriptions for his narrative, using his 5 senses to bring them to life. He has been willing to revise his work and take on suggestions to develop his writing style. What a sensational attitude you have Tommy!

Emily W. - 3/4S

This award goes to Emily for the wonderful improvement she has made in her writing this term. Emily is structuring her writing into paragraphs, engaging the reader with bold beginnings and including appropriate dialogue. Well done, Emily.

Joanna C. - 5/6B

Congratulations on a terrific term Joanna. I love the way you go about your work and admire the focus and responsibility you take for your own learning. Your love of reading is clear and this makes you a great role model for our class during independent reading time. Keep on taking responsibility for your own learning. Keep on reading. Keep up the great work Joanna.

Jayden W. - 5/6D

This term, Jayden has consistently remained open-minded towards tasks and challenges that come his way. This has allowed him to have such a cool and calm approach to NAPLAN this week. Keep up this growth mindset, Jayden. I'm delighted to have you in 5/6D this year! 

Yousef N. - 5/6W

This award goes to Yousef for his consistent hardworking and persistent attitude. Yousef regularly contributes to class discussions and shares his thinking and knowledge with his peers. Well done Yousef!

Cameron T. - Mandarin

This award acknowledges Cameron for his participation in Mandarin. Cameron was doing his best whole-body listening in Mandarin class while we were on the floor, and participated whenever he was asked to. Great work, Cameron!

Louis W. - Performing Arts

Congratulations Lewis. You performed the 'Stand by Me' bass line for the whole class and have been able to learn this pattern very quickly and comfortably. Well done.

Frank W. - Visual Arts

This award goes to Frank for his terrific collage of a cat. Students in 1/2 are learning to use the whole piece of paper when creating art. Frank did a superb job cutting a large cat shape from newspaper that definitely did fill the paper. Great listening and exploring new ideas Frank!

Ryan W. - Physical Education

This award goes to Ryan for the wonderful effort he made in PE this week. Ryan demonstrated enthusiasm, sportsmanship and teamwork, whilst participating in the Tennis Incursion. Keep up the great work Ryan!