Catholic Identity


If there is one word that we should never tire of repeating, it is this: dialogue. We are called to promote a culture of dialogue by every possible means and thus to rebuild the fabric of society.’
               Pope Francis- Address upon receiving the Charlemagne Prize, May 6, 2016

Harmony Week 

What an amazing week celebrating Harmony in our School Community. The theme this year 'everyone belongs' is one that we focus on every day at here St. Mel's, a sense of belonging is fundamental for our well-being and for learning. 

We started our week gathered together in prayer and focussing on the Word of God that shows us how to live in Harmony with one another,  in the reading of the letter of Saint Paul to the Colossians we heard the words  ~ compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience and most importantly love.  These virtues bound together with love make perfect unity. We asked our students 'What is our call to action after listening to this Scripture story?' How can we live out these words through respect, inclusiveness & sharing? How can we embrace & celebrate the wonderfully diverse community we live in?

Our Celebration Day on Friday highlighted our beautifully diverse community, through cultural dress, song, story, langauage & food. Thank you to those who were able to join in our celebration. The joy we witnessed as children shared their culture and the interest from all as they embraced & celebrated each other's culture, heritage & traditions was heartwarming. 


Sacramental Canditates Journey

We continue to prayer for our Sacramental Candidates as they continue preparations towards receiving the sacraments of First Eucharist & Confirmation. This Thursday 30th March our candidates & their parents/carers will come together at St. Anne's School for the next Steps in Faith cluster group.

Holy Week ~ at school

Holy Week is the most important week in the Church's year. It is a time when we celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. We remember his actions, reflect on his messages and recommit to living as his disciples in the world today. Next Week we will celebrate Holy Week in prayer & reflection. Our Units will lead us in whole school liturgies in the hall ~ see below for details. All welcome, parents & families we would love to share this with you! Stay for a cuppa & cake after each morning liturgy.

Project Compassion


Fifth Week of LENT

It must be difficult for somebody who has never experienced love to understand the Gospels. They are so full of different emotions, many of them tender. Just think of the beautiful reconciliation between Jesus and Peter after the resurrection. Jesus allows Peter to say that he loves him on no less than three occasions. Thankfully, most of us can write down a long list of people we have loved and also of those who have loved us. Many names would appear on both lists! We keep a special place in our hearts and prayers for the people we know who have died. Even after a long time, their memory will still bring a tear to our eyes. That sorrow comes from a place of deep gratitude. God changes the world one heart at a time. When we encounter today’s Gospel, the story of the raising of Lazarus, we are in a world of emotion. Martha and Mary are grieving for their brother. Jesus loves these two women. Thomas, the twin, is full of bravado and bluster, just as he was later when he wanted proof of the resurrection. Both Martha and Mary are disappointed, even angry, that Jesus has not come sooner. Jesus weeps at the grave of his friend. The mourners who have come to comfort the family must also have been sensitive to the situation. When Jesus says ‘I am the resurrection and the life’ he is not explaining an idea. He is responding to the deepest longings of our hearts, as he always does. Today’s Psalm reminds us ‘My soul is longing for the Lord more than the watcher for daybreak.’ Over the last few weeks we have shared some of the stories presented to us by Caritas Australia to make us more aware of the inspirational work we can support through Project Compassion. There have been stories from Zimbabwe, Vietnam, Nepal and First Nations Australians. Through your generosity, Caritas Australia is able to support partners in 18 different countries. These are all people who, not unlike Lazarus, are longing to be unbound and set free. The Gospel calls us to believe in the Life to which Jesus invites us; that Life is built on justice and compassion.


Lent Prayer 

We give thanks for all the people who fill our lives with love. We pray for all those who do not feel loved, especially those yet to appreciate the depth of God’s love. May our support for Project Compassion be a sign to others of the love of God for all people. Amen.


How can we make a difference this Lent?


Danae Napier


Deputy Principal / Religious Education Leader.


St Mels Church Bulletin