Fabulous 5/6 

Grade 5/6

Term 1 Week 6 2023 - Friday 10th of February 2023


Message from the Teacher:


We can’t believe it is halfway through the term already, it has really flown by. I want to congratulate the students in Year 5 and 6 for the positive attitude with which they have approached their learning. The Year 5’s have been preparing for their NAPLAN testing and they have been taking it very seriously. The year 6’s are also preparing for a few different leadership opportunities later this term. The students lost a hard-fought Dodgeball match against the teachers last week, with many wounds inflicted on both sides. 


With the weather getting colder it is alright for students to be coming in warmer winter clothing, but this clothing must be part of the school uniform. If you have any queries about this, please chat with your child’s teacher or the office for clarification.


It is also a curriculum day on Tuesday next week, so no school for students, Homework is due on Wednesday. Homework club where students can do their homework with some teacher help is run on a Monday after school, both classes are invited.


Our emails are: Nicholas.Duckett@education.vic.gov.auSamuel.Boontjes@education.vic.gov.au

We will try our best to reply within 48 hours of receiving any messages from our community.


 Learning intentions:


Next week the Year 5’s will be completing their NAPLAN testing on the following days.

Reading: Wednesday 15th of March, 11:40am to 12:40pm

Writing: Wednesday 15th of March, 9:30 - 10:30

Mathematics: Monday 20th of March, 9:30 – 10:30

Language Conventions Thursday 16th of March 11:40 12:40


What have we been up to?

Hi, my name is Shy and I am a leader in Writing and I am Isabella and I am a leader in Palaeontology.

We have been learning about Persuasive Writing. I have written about why students should not get paid for school (Shy). One example of why they should not be paid is that it will make them lazy. 

We also started taking care of the chickens and put logs into their coop. If any family has any mirrors or CDs to be donated, they are more than welcome to bring them in as chickens love to look at themselves.

In our Interschool Sports, the girls’ team has been winning every game which is great, and the boys also had a win. 

We are excited for the rest of the term!


Important reminders

  • All students need to wear a school hat, bucket or wide brim hat ( NO CAPS ), during recess and lunch during Term 1



Clean-Up Australia Day (Lucy and Sahana were excited, Seb, not so much)


George, Emma, Melis, Clara and Azra loved Clean-Up Australia Day